英语听力精选进阶版 10225(在线收听

The United States has tried to defuse France anger of allegations that the US National Security Agency secretly recorded 70 million phone calls in one month in France. The US secretary of State John Kerry told journalists in Pairs that it was a part of operations to protect the security of American citizens. The allegations were published by the newspaper Le Monde. With more details, here's Christian Fraser in Pairs.

法国指控美国国家安全局在一个月内秘密记录法国7000万次电话通话,美国试图平息法国的怒火。美国国务卿约翰·克里在巴黎告诉记者,这部分是为了保护美国公民而做的。这个说法发表在《法国世界报》上。Christian Fraser在巴黎报道。

Le Monde's report was written by the outgoing Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald who has worked with Edward Snowden to lift the lid on the NSA activities between December and January this year. It's believed the agency tapped over 70 million phone calls in France over 30-day period. The program code-named in documents is US-985D monitors target phone numbers and can pick up text messages that features specific words, it gives analysts a systematic record of who is talking to who. Not only that the alleged the NSA snooping on those connected to terrorist plot, but also on senior business figures and government officials.


A consortium led by Brazilian and Chinese state oil companies backed by the firms Total and Shell have been awarded the right to explore Brazil's biggest new oil field. But there were clashes between security forces and protesters outside the hotel where the auction took place as Wyre Davies reports.

一个由巴西和中国国家石油公司领导的、得到道达尔和壳牌支持的财团获准开发巴西最大的新油田。但在举行拍卖的酒店外,安全部队和抗议者产生了冲突。Wyre Davies报道。

Outside the luxury beachfront hotel to the south of Rio where the auction was taking place. Riot police clashed with anti-government protesters, many of them are striking oil workers. Tear gas and stun grenade were fired as bemused holidaymakers and some bays are locked on. The huge military presence ensured the event inside the hotel went to ahead undisturbed, what was built as one of the biggest oil sell-offs ever was won by a single bid, all be in a consortium of Chinese, Brazilian, French and Anglo-Dutch companies. Delighted Brazilian Ministers and officials declared the proceedings an overwhelming success.


A suspected suicide bomber attacked on a bus in the southern Russian city of Volgograd has killed 6 people and injured more than 30. Russian anti-terrorism officials say an explosive device was detonated by a female suicide bomber - believed to be the wife of an Islamist militant.

