英语听力精选进阶版 10228(在线收听

The German magazine Der Spiegel has published new allegations about American spy on Chancellor Angela Merkel. Setting secret documents, the magazine says her phone may have been tapped for more than a decade and was still on a national security agency surveillance list weeks before President Obama’s visit in June. Damien McGuinness is in Berlin.

德国杂志《明镜周刊》撰文称美国窃听德国总理安吉拉·默克尔。该杂志称默克尔的手机可能已被窃听10多年,在6月份总统奥巴马访问的数周前还在国家安全局监控名单之下。Damien McGuinness在柏林报道。

According to Der Spiegel magazine, American agents have been bugging German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone since 2002 and listening in on her phone conversations until as recently as this summer just weeks before President Obama’s visit to Germany. The phone tapping was allegedly carried out from the US embassy in Berlin. President Obama apologized the Chancellor on Wednesday saying he knew nothing about the phone tapping, reports the magazine, siting a source in Mrs. Merkel’s office.


Hundreds of activists who oppose US surveillance have gathered in Washington to demand an end to government spying. Organizers say their petition has gathered more than half a million signatures. Kitty Waterston was there.


Armed with placards thanking Edward Snowden for his leaks in the past few months, others carrying placards say no to the national security agency in their spying. There are probably well over 1,000 people here all protesting over the mass surveillance activities here in the US. Former whistleblowers have spoken to the crowds as having politicians. One whistleblower read out a statement from Edward Snowden who criticized the government once again for its pervasive spying. People here are angry that privacies being compromised saying it’s costing the US billions and not having much effect.


Results from elections in the Czech Republic suggest the polls will not resolve months of political instability. With almost all votes counted, the Social Democrats have emerged as the frontrunners but do not have a large enough majority to form a government. Rob Cameron is in Prague.


After seven years in opposition, the Social Democrats were counting on a resounding victory, instead this result just over 20% could spell trouble for them and more instability for the Czech Republic. The real winner of this election is Andrej Babis, a food and fertilizer billionaire whose ANO party claims second place. He could now be the kingmaker now as the Social Democrats are forced to revise their plans. The parties of the former central right coalition did poorly after years of corruption scandals that have left Czech’s disillusioned and even disgusted with their politicians.

社会民主党作为反对派已经7年,该党一直向能获得全胜,但结果显示支持率仅为20%,这对他们来说就有麻烦了,对捷克共和国来说也意味着不稳定。选举的真正赢家是食品和肥料亿万富翁Andrej Babis,他所属的ANO党位居第二。他现在成了能当选的关键人物,而社会民主党被迫修改其计划。经过几年的腐败丑闻,前中间右派联盟的党派们表现不佳,这些丑闻使得捷克人心灰意冷,甚至对他们的政客感到厌烦。

Thousands have marched in the Portuguese capital Lisbon to protest against the austerity budget for next year that’s been debated in Parliament. The protesters including pensioners, unemployed and disabled people carried banners reading stopped the robbery and dictatorship. The new austerity measures are being proposed by the government in exchange for international financial aid.


The army in the Democratic Republic of Congo says it has regained control of the eastern town of Kibumba driving out rebels from the M23 movement. An army spokesman said the rebels had retreated towards the border with Rwanda. The clashes near the city of Goma erupted on Friday, days after peace talks broke down in the Ugandan capital Kampala. It’s the first heavy fighting in the eastern Congo in nearly two months.


Police in Somalia have raided the Mogadishu headquarters of the independent radio station, Shabelle, forcing it to go off air. Farhan Jimale reports.

索马里警方突袭了独立广播台谢贝利在摩加迪沙的总部,迫使电台停播。Farhan Jimale报道。

The authorities say that five-day notice to vacate the building has elapsed and they are enforcing the law but radio Shabelle says it’s legally occupying the building under an agreement with the previous government. The radio station is well-known for being critical of senior officials. Media activists say that this move is the latest in a series of attacks on independent media and journalists in Somalia by both the government and the Islamist group al-Shabab.


Hundreds of vigilantes armed with machetes and guns have attacked a town in the Central African Republic. They were trying to wrest control of the town from an army dominated by former Seleka rebels. Many residents have fled the western town of Bouar. The vigilante group known as Anti-Balakas was established to fight the former Seleka coalition which toppled President Francois Bozize in March.


Egypt’s public prosecutor has received several complaints against the country’s most famous TV satirist Bassem Youssef not long after the first episode of his new series was aired. Mr. Youssef dubbed Egypt’s Jon Stuart is back on air after a four-month break. Until June, the former heart surgeon poked fun at Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, who is removed by the head of the military Gen Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. Supporters of the general said the satirist had solid the armed forces honor and pride, Mr. Morsi's followers accused Youssef of insulting him

埃及公共检察官受到几起针对该国最知名电视讽刺作家Bassem Youssef 的投诉,不久前他的新节目刚开播。为乔恩·斯图尔特配音的Youssef在4个月中断后继续开播。6月份,这位前心脏外科医生取笑了被军事首领塞西将军驱逐的伊斯兰总统穆罕默德·穆尔西。将军的支持者称这位讽刺作家给军队增加了光荣和骄傲,而摩尔西的追随者指责他侮辱了穆尔西。
