英语听力精选进阶版 10236(在线收听

Gunmen in northeastern Nigeria have attacked a wedding convoy killing more than 30 people including the groom. The group was travelling along a stretch road in Borno state known for attacks by Islamist militants. Will Rose reports.


Eyewitness reports seeing about 30 dead bodies by the roadside, most of them have been shot. In recent weeks there have been frequent attacks in rural areas of Borno and Yobe states which authorities have blamed on the Islamist militant group popularly known as Boko Haram. Last May, a state of emergency was declared in northeast Nigeria and thousand of additional troops were sent there to fight Boko Haram, but attacks on civilians have continued. A week ago, dozens of people were killed during a lengthy gun fight after suspected militants attacked the town of Damaturu where burnt police and military buildings.


Government forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo are attacking the last areas held by the rebel M23 movement close to Congo's eastern border with Rwanda and Uganda. A BBC correspondent says that hundreds of refugees are fleeing into Uganda. Earlier, the leader of M23 rebels declared a ceasefire with the government.


Iran Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has rejected criticism from some Iranian Conservatives about forthcoming talks on Iran's nuclear program, saying that the government negotiators deserved the country's full support. His comments come ahead next week's conference between Iran and world powers include the US on Iran's nuclear program which Tehran says is not for military purposes. Here's Kasra Naji.

伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊驳斥了伊朗保守人士针对即将举行的伊朗核项目谈判的批评,他说政府协商者理应得到全国的全面支持。下周伊朗和包括美国在内的世界大国将就伊朗核项目举行会议,德黑兰称其项目并非为军事目的。Kasra Naji报道。

The talks have raised fears among its Islamist hardliners who criticised Iran's negotiators for their alleged a secret agenda to compromise with the West. Iran's leader said no one should criticise Iran's negotiating team for allegedly being ready to compromise, they were just doing the job, he said, but he went on to say he had a little hope for the negotiations. Experience has shown, he said, backtracking will not produce the desired results.


An investigation by the German magazine Focus has revealed the authorities holding about 1,500 Work of art by Pablo Picasso, Matisse and Chagall they recovered two years from an apartment in Munich. The paintings are thought were being looted from Jews by the Nazis. Experts are trying to work out who they belong to. From Berlin Stephen Evans.


The collections of works are Nazi stolen from Jews was consigned to a dealer to be sold before the war, but the paintings then vanished presume destroyed. The works consisted of what the Nazi's deemed degenerate art that is modern art. It's not transpires that two years ago, the authorities discovered these amazing and priceless collections in darkened rooms at the home of a reclusive relative of the pre-war dealer, it seems a relative have been selling paintings occasionally when he needed money. The Paintings could be worth of billions of dollars.


The police in Bahrain have charged the head of the main opposition group Ali Salman with insulting the authorities after his Al Wefaq party opened the Revolution Museum on the outskirts of the capital Manama. The exhibit showed photos of 2011 uprising as well as paintings and installations depicting the violent unrest and alleged torture of pro-democracy protesters by the Bahraini authorities.

巴林警方指控主要反对派领袖阿里·萨尔曼侮辱当局,原因是他的Al Wefaq党在首都麦纳麦郊区开了革命博物馆。其展出包括2011年起义的图片,以及描绘暴力动乱、以及所谓巴林当局拷打亲民主抗议者的画作和装置。

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Saudi Arabia on the second stop of tour in the Middle East and North Africa. He travelled from Cairo where he'd urged Egypt's interim leaders not to extend the country's state of emergency beyond the end of this month. He also called on the Egyptian authorities to ensure a fair judicial process in the country ahead of the trial of the ousted leader Mohammed Morsi that begins on Monday.


Voting in Kosovo's municipal elections has ended in disarray because of an attack on a polling station in the main ethnic Serb town of Mitrovica. Guy De Launey reports from northern Kosovo.

科索沃的市政选举以乱局结束,原因是在塞尔维亚聚居区米特罗维察的投票站发生袭击案。Guy De Launey在科索沃北部报道。

As darkness fell, chaos arrived in the shape of masked men hurling tear gas canisters. They attacked the polling stations at a primary school in the north of Mitrovica and they started to break the bullet boxes, the staff fled. The security organization the OSCE have been providing technical assistance to the election but immediately withdrew its staff on safety grounds and closed all the polling stations in north Mitrovica. Even before the incident, there have been accusations of intimidation of polling stations, there have been a well-organized boycott campaign but the leaders of the known movement have denied they were behind the attack.


And there has been a double Kenyan victory in the New York marathon. Geoffrey Mutai won the men's race for the second time in a row in an official time of 2 hours, 8 minutes. And in the women's race, Priscah Jeptoo was the first time adding the title to her London Marathon win earlier this year. The two Kenyans beat Ethiopian runners into second place and each were taken a $100,000 prize money. The race was cancelled last year because of damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.

肯尼亚人在纽约马拉松比赛获得两次胜利, 杰弗里·穆塔伊在非官方时间两小时8分内赢得男子比赛,这是他连续第二次获胜。女子比赛方面,今年早些时候在伦敦马拉松获胜的普瑞斯卡·吉普图再次夺冠。这两位肯尼亚选手将埃塞俄比亚选手落在第二名,每个人都获得10万美元奖金。该比赛去年因桑迪飓风造成的破坏被迫取消。
