英语听力精选进阶版 10239(在线收听


Shares in the micro-blogging site Twitter have nearly doubled in value, amid strong demand in the first few hours of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The share price rose to about $45, valuing the company more than $25bn. Mark Gregory reports.

在纽约股票交易市场上市的最初几个小时,由于需求强烈,微博客网站推特股价几乎翻倍。推特股价上涨至45美元,使该公司市值超过250亿美元。Mark Gregory报道。

It was going down as one of the most spectacular debuts in the history of financial markets. Twitter was only being around seven years has never made a profit and has a modest source of income, yet its shares rose 80% in value the moment it joins the stock market and then briefly soared even higher than that. Measured by the stock price in relation to revenues, Twitter shares are now rated as among the most expensive of any new share issue ever.


The Pakistani Taliban says they've chosen Maulana Fazlullah as their new leader, the man whose fighters were responsible for the shooting of a school girl Malala Yousafzai. The militant says he rejects the idea of peace talks with the government and wants to revenge the killing of his predecessor, Hakimullah Mehsud in an American drone strike. The commander came to prominence six years ago when his forces seized control of Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan where he imposed a harsh form of Sharia or Islamic law.

巴基斯坦塔利班表示,他们选择法兹鲁拉(Maulana Fazlullah)为新的领导人。法兹鲁拉的战士曾经枪击维权少女玛拉拉·尤沙夫赛(Malala Yousafzai)。这名好战分子表示,他拒绝与政府进行和谈,希望就其前任马哈苏德(Hakimullah Mehsud)在美国无人机袭击中遇难进行报复。此人六年前成名,当时他带领手下占领了巴基斯坦西北部的斯瓦特河谷,施行了严厉的伊斯兰法律。

Nearly 30,000 foreign workers have been rounded up in Saudi Arabia since a deadline for regulizing their status run out on Sunday. Many restaurants, laundries and other small business are closed as foreign workers stayed at home to avoid police raids. Here's Sebastian Usher.

沙特阿拉伯围捕了接近30,000名外国工人,因为周日已是他们证明自己身份的最后期限。许多餐馆,洗衣店和其他小作坊都关门歇业,因为外国工人都待在家中躲避警方突袭。Sebastian Usher报道。

Photos posted online showed dozens of migrant workers seated on the ground after being picked up by the police. They've been given half a year to make their status legal in line with more stringent labour laws. A senior Indonesian official told the BBC his country was preparing to fly out nearly 8,000 nationals, he said some had lived in Saudi Arabia for 30 years or more.


The majority had run away from their original employers, they are banned from returning for at least five years.


The authorities in the Philippines have ordered a massive evacuation and the closure of schools as the most powerful typhoon of the year approaches the country. Super Typhoon Haiyan is generating gusts of 330km/h and threatening to cut the path of destruction through the central Islands of the Philippines after making landfall on Friday. In a televised address, President Aquino called on local officials to do everything to minimize loss of life.


A court in Brazil has demanded an explanation from the internet giant Google about the private data it allegedly collected while its Street View car photographed some of the busiest city streets around the country. Google was told to present the information by Saturday. The judge said if the company failed to meet the deadline, it will be fined about $45,000 a day.


The Youth League of the governing African National Congress in South Africa says it's on the verge of collapse due to what it described as the reckless mismanagement to former leaders. It was previously run by the outspoken politician Julius Malema who was last year expelled from the ANC, he is facing fraud charges and tax investigation.

南非执政党非洲人国民大会青年联盟表示,由于前领导人的疏忽和管理不善,该组织已经处于崩溃边缘。此前,该联盟由直率的政治家朱利叶斯·马勒马(Julius Malema)领导,去年由于面临诈骗指控和税收调查而被开除出非洲人国民大会。

The embattled mayor of Toronto Rob Ford has become in broad in a fresh controversy just two days after admitting to have smoked crack cocaine. A Canadian newspaper has released video footage of the mayor swearing and threatening an unnamed person. RV reports from Toronto.

刚刚承认吸食高纯度可卡因两天之后,四面楚歌的多伦多市长福特(Rob Ford)再次处于争议的风口浪尖。加拿大一家报纸披露了这位市长谩骂和威胁一位不知名人士的视频录像。RV在多伦多报道。

This video is the latest episode in a political saga which has gripped the city and the world. The mayor can be seen pacing up and down a room and swearing and using foul language at regular intervals. At one point in the conversation, which appears to have been secretly filmed on a phone, he threatens to rip out an unnamed person's throat and poke out his eyes. Shortly after the tape was released, the mayor spoke to reporters and apologized saying he was extremely, extremely inebriated.


The US Food and Drug administration have proposed banning artificial trans fat common in processed foods like frozen pizzas and margarine. They say the move could prevent 7,000 deaths a year from heart disease. Trans fat is used to improve the textures of the foods or increased their shelf life.


The champion rider Tony McCoy has become the first jump jockey to ride 4,000th winners. The 39-year-old northern Irishman accomplished the feat when he triumphed in the second of two rides in the Towcester north of London. Afterwards he tried to put his record into perspective.

赛马骑手托尼·麦考伊(Tony McCoy)成为第一位第4,000次赢得赛马比赛冠军的人。这名39岁的北爱尔兰选手在伦敦北部托斯特的两场赛马比赛中赢得了第二场,第4,000次获胜。随后,他描述了自己创造不朽记录的心情。

"I'm really proud what I achieved cus its a tough sport, you know, and to be able to last one way or another was something I'm very lucky to been able to do and feel very proud to be able to do."


