英语听力精选进阶版 10264(在线收听

The South African President Jacob Zuma has been leading the tributes to Nelson Mandela who died on Thursday night at the age of 95. Mr. Zuma said the outpouring of love from home and abroad was unprecedented. He said Nelson Mandela who led South Africa to freedom from white minority rule and was the first black president has taught South Africans that there was possible to overcome hatred to build a new society.

南非前总统纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)于周四晚上逝世,享年95岁。总统雅各布·祖马(Jacob Zuma)领导民众向他表达敬意。祖马表示,国内外民众流露出的爱戴之情是空前的。他表示,曼德拉领导南非从少数白人的统治中获得自由,是首位黑人总统,他教会南非民众,克服仇恨情绪,建立新社会是有可能的。

We sincerely thank all South Africans for the dignified manner in which they have respected and responded to the monumental loss of this international icon who was a symbol of the reconciliation, unity, love, human rights and justice.


Across South Africa, people have gathered to mourn and celebrate Nelson Mandela's life. Crowds formed outside his house in Johannesburg to pay their respects. From there Mike Wooldridge sends this report.

南非各地,人们聚集起来悼念曼德拉的一生。人们来到约翰内斯堡曼德拉居所表达敬意。Mike Wooldridge在现场发回报道。

It is spontaneous, sorrowful and celebratory at the same time. They were formal marking that Nelson Mandela's passing is to come. This is the people of South Africa want to demonstrate the regard they had for their first democratically elected their first black president. This was the same at the Houghton that X and usually quiet suburb of Johannesburg where Nelson Mandela lived during the later years of his life. Mandela family members kept their privacy as preparation begins for the official mourning.


Mourners also gathered outside the Mandela's former home in Soweto to pay their respects. These people were among them.


I came so far just to celebrate our hero. So I saw it as a need for me to be here in X this in Soweto. All we just had to come his family to support and celebrate his life and show what would here is telling us forgiveness.


The atmosphere here is just as good as many it was he is. The inspiration, the positive nurse and although we are mourning,but we all celebrating a true legend.


The South African communist party has said Nelson Mandela was in fact a member of its central committee at the time of he was arrested in 1962. Although it's been subjected to much debate among historian and academics, Mandela himself always denied being a member of the Communist Party. At his trail, he dismissed the allegations saying they were a smear by the a party government to disgrace him.


The Withe House has announced that President Obama and his wife Michelle will travel to South Africa next week to join the memorial services. Tributes to the former South African president had continued to pour in from the leaders around the world.


The death of Nelson Mandela is overshadowing of a two-day summit in Paris where African leaders have gathered to discuss peace and security on the continent. The French President Francois Hollande who called the meeting urged the African leaders to help create a continental security force, he said French was ready to train up to 20,000 African soldiers per year.


Hundreds of additional French troops have arrived in the Central African Republic as a part of United Nations backed operation to restore security. French soldiers and armed vehicles are patrolling the capital Bangui and fighter jets have flown over the city. The Red Cross says about 300 people were killed in Bangui in sectarian violence on Thursday. The UN says it has reports of hundreds of homes burnt in the northern town of Bossangoa.


Six people in Mexico have been admitted to hospital for possible radiation poisoning. Police are blocking access to the hospital in Hidalgo state. Earlier this week a truck carrying medical equipment with radioactive material inside were stolen in the area, it was found abandoned a couple of days later.


The draw for the 2014 World Cup final has taken place in Brazil. The 32 teams were split into eight groups of four. Our sports reporter Alex Capstick has some of the highlights.

2014年世界杯足球比赛抽签分组活动在巴西进行。32支球队被分为8组,每组4支球队。我们的体育新闻记者Alex Capstick带我们一睹为快。

Games against Croatia, Mexico and Cameroon should post few problems for Brazil in the early stages of the tournaments but it's looking more difficult for the defending champions, Spain will open their campaign against the team they defeated in the bad tempered final three years ago, the Netherlands. The USA's Coach Jurgen Klinsmann compound a fixture against his native Germany. Group G also includes Portugal and Ghana and it's considered one of the toughest along Group D which is joined Uruguay with the Costa Rica, England and Italy. The two European nations will face extreme humidity when they clash in the Amazonian city of Manas in their first match.

在比赛的初级阶段,巴西对阵克罗地亚,墨西哥和喀麦隆,似乎没有什么问题。但是西班牙首场比赛将面临三年前苦战的荷兰队,可能就更加困难。美国队教练克林斯曼(Jurgen Klinsmann)将挑战他原本执教的德国。G组包括葡萄牙和迦纳,和D组一起被视为比赛最残酷的分组。D组包括乌拉圭,哥斯达黎加,英格兰和意大利。这两个欧洲国家在亚马逊河城市玛纳斯举行的首场比赛中将面临严峻的挑战。
