疑犯追踪第1季 第84期:SP-9(在线收听

 Christina was, um...She was, uh...With us the night that Elizabeth died. 克里斯蒂娜之前...她...在伊丽莎白去世时就陪在我们身边。

She was so good with Sam. 她对萨姆很好。
She was just a kid. 她还只是个孩子。
He's alive, okay? 他还活着,好吗?
As long as they need him, Sam's still alive. 只要萨姆还有利用价值,他们就不会杀他。
You don't know that. 你也说不准。
I need your help, judge. 法官大人,你得帮我。
Have you ever heard of the szajka pruszkow, sp-9? 你听说过沙亚卡·普斯科夫,SP-9吗?
What are you? 你到底是什么人?
An ex-cop? 退役的警察吗?
FBI? 还是调查局的人?
I have experience in situations like this. 我有过类似的经历。
That's all you need to know. 你只要知道这个就行。
Yeah? 是吗?
Well, maybe you're not enough. 或许你一个人解决不了问题。
Maybe I should call those officers back and tell them the truth. 或许我该把那警察叫回来告诉他实情。
I know how to be invisible. 我知道如何不打草惊蛇。
The police and the fBI don't. 而警察和调查局探员没法办到。
But I'm going after your son regardless. 但不管怎样我都会救出你儿子。
Now, have you ever heard of a gang called sp-9? 现在告诉我,你听说过SP-9吗?
No. 没有。
Who are they? 他们是谁?
That's them now. 是他们打来的。