英语听力精选进阶版 10270(在线收听

 The 3-day period during which the body of Nelson Mandela lay in state has come to an end. South African officials say around 100,000 mourners have viewed Mr. Mandela's body at the union buildings in Pretoria. Some had to be turned away because queues were too long. Peter Biles reports from Pretoria.

纳尔逊·曼德拉的遗体为期三天的安放瞻仰结束。南非官员表示,大约100,000名悼念者在普勒托利亚联合大厦瞻仰了曼德拉的遗容。由于等候的队伍太长,一些人被拒绝入内。Peter Biles在普勒托利亚报道。

In the Sandstone Amphitheater that is soon to be on Nelson Mandela's name, three days of lying in state ended with the playing of the South African National Anthem Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika. From the spot where Mr. Mandela was sworn in as president in 1994, his coffin was carried down the steps to the waiting hearse as military helicopters circled over the city.


The body will remain in Pretoria overnight, and there will be a ceremony at a local air force base in the morning to allow members of the governing African National Congress to say a last farewell before Mr. Mandela's funeral in the eastern Cape on Sunday.


The charity Save the Children is warning of an increasingly dire humanitarian situation at the Central African Republic as spokesman said 40,000 people had gathered at the camp at the airport near the capital Bangui with many complaining of starvation. The country has been in chaos since rebels overthrew President Francois Bozize in March. Richard Hamilton reports.

慈善组织救助儿童基金会警告称,中非共和国的人道主义状况越来越悲惨,发言人表示,40,000人聚集在首都班吉附近机场的营地,许多人抱怨非常饥饿。自三月份叛军推翻总统博齐兹(Francois Bozize)以来,国家陷入一片混乱。Richard Hamilton报道。

A spokesman for Save the Children described scenes of appalling depravation. He said children were suffering from diarrhea and malaria and people were defecating in the open as there was only one latrine. They were also having to sleep outside despite heavy rains. And he added that there was rubbish scattered every where.


The United States says a retired FBI agent who is believed to have been held in Iran for the last 7 years was not a government employee when he went missing. US media have said that Mr. Levinson was on an unauthorized CIA intelligence operation when he went missing on the Iranian island of Kish. From Washington, here is our correspondent Jonny Dymond.

美国表示,据信过去7年被伊朗关押的一名退休FBI特工失踪时并不是政府雇员。美国媒体表示,列文森在伊朗基什岛失踪时在一家非官方的CIA情报机构工作。华盛顿,我们的通讯员Jonny Dymond报道。

In a carefully phrased response to the Associated Press's story, White House spokesman Jay Carney said that Robert Levinson was not a government employee at the time of his disappearance. Mr. Carney also criticized as irresponsible the publication of the story. The AP said that Mr. Levinson was on an informal mission for the CIA organized by a group of agency officers outside of the normal oversight procedures. Mr. Levinson was last heard from in a video made public in the early 2011 where looking gaunt and sounding weary, he asked for US government assistance.

在接受美联社采访的措辞严谨的回应中,白宫发言人卡尼表示,罗伯特·列文森(Robert Levinson)失踪时并不是政府雇员。卡尼还批评了该新闻的出版机构的不负责任。美联社新闻称,列文森执行的是CIA官员组织的正常监管程序之外的非正式任务。最后一次听到列文森的声音是在2011年初的一段视频中,列文森看上去非常憔悴,听上去非常疲倦,请求美国政府援助。

Mr. Levinson's family has criticized the US government, saying some officials were failing to do their best to locate him.


The authorities in the United States say they have arrested a man who was planning to detonated a car bomb at an airport in Kansas. The district attorney for Kansas said Terry Loewen who is an aviation technician had been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction at the mid-continent airport in Wichita.

美国当局称,他们逮捕了计划在堪萨斯机场引爆汽车炸弹的一名男子。堪萨斯地区律师表示,特里·罗文(Terry Loewen)是一名航空技术员,被控告试图在威奇托中陆机场使用大规模杀伤性武器。

Police in the US state of Colorado have been called to a shooting at a high school south of Denver. The Arapahoe county chief sheriff says the suspected gunman who was a student at the school has killed himself and the incident is now over. Television pictures have shown students coming out of the school with their hands up. Two people are reported to have been injured.


Scientists say a mud volcano in Indonesia that's displaced tens of thousands of people should stop erupting much sooner than previously thought. The assessment is based on satellite monitoring of the area around the Lusi Volcano in east Java. Here is our science correspondent Jonathan Amos.

科学家表示,导致数万人转移的印尼一座泥火山可能比此前预期更快结束喷发。该评估是基于对爪哇东部露西火山周围地区的卫星监控做出的。下面是我们的科学通讯员Jonathan Amos报道。

The eruption which began in east Java in 2006 is the largest of its kind, the result of a drilling operation that went wrong.


The gooey noxious muck spewing out from the earth has so far displaced tens of thousands of people and has to be controlled by huge dams. Initially more than 100,000 tons of mud oozed to the surface each day. This has decreased ten fold and a new analysis based on Japanese satellite observations of ground subsidence suggest a further ten fold decrease can by expected by 2017.


Police in Colombia have arrested relatives and several alleged associates of a prominent gang leader Dario Usuga, known as Otoniel. Mr. Usuga who leads the Urabenos criminal gang is still at large. His cousin Arley Usuga Torres was arrested at a farm in northern Colombia. He is accused of killing more than 20 police officers and is wanted in the United States for drug trafficking.

哥伦比亚警方逮捕了重要的犯罪团伙头目Dario Usuga(外号Otoniel)的亲戚和几名同事。领导Urabenos犯罪团伙的Usuga仍然在逃。他的堂兄弟Arley Usuga Torres在哥伦比亚北部一个农场被捕。他被指控杀害了超过20名警察,由于贩卖毒品受到美国通缉。

The German football authorities say they will use a new resort village being built in Brazil as their World Cup base after deciding that local facilities would not be good enough. The announcement coincides with growing controversy over the preparations for the World Cup next year. Three of the stadiums are behind schedule. The village on the coast of Bahia in northeastern Brazil is being built by a German entrepreneur. The complex have buildings around a pool will feature a press center and a training pitch.

