英语听力精选进阶版 10278(在线收听

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki--moon has warned warring parties in South Sudan that they will be held to account for crimes against humanity. He once again called on President Salva Kiir and opposition leaders to hold talks. Lada Taffy reports.

联合国秘书长潘基文警告南苏丹交战双方要为反人道罪负责,他再次呼吁总统萨尔瓦·基尔和反对派领袖们举行谈判。Lada Taffy报道。

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki--moon has said the world is watching all sides in South Sudan. He demanded an immediate anti-attack on civilians and peacekeepers and said there were reports of ethnically targeted killings were specially worrisome. The United Nations has been straining to provide basic needs to some 45,000 people seeking protection at its basis. Mr.Ban said he will recommend at the Security Council approve more troops in assets for the UN's mission in South Sudan. Meanwhile the US military is preparing its forces for another possible evacuation of US and other citizens.


A judge in Chili has sentenced 8 former members of a military death squad to up to 15 years in jail for the killing of 14 political prisoners decades ago. Martie K reports.

智利法官判定8名前敢死队成员死刑,缓刑15年,罪名是几十年前杀害14名政治犯。Martie K报道。

For the victims' family,this has been a long wait for justice.On the 19th of October 1973, the 14 men were picked up from a local prison in the northern Chilean city of Antofagasta. They were blind folded driven away and shot dead. The judge * said the 8 former arming officers had played a role in their killing, they were all members of a military death squad known as the Caravan of the Death which carried out dozens of executions of political prisoners during the military government of Augusto Pinochet.


A court in Argentina has ruled that the former President Fernando de la Rua did not bribe senators to pass controversial labor reform in the year 2000. The judge said no evidence was found to prove the bribery had taken place in the Argentine Senate. Seven other people who were accused of taking or facilitating bribes including his former labor minister were found innocent.


The designer of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov has died,he was 94. Kalashnikov was born into poverty in a remote Altai Mountains of Russia. Jonathan Marcus reports.


Mikhail Kalashnikov was a young sergeant in a Soviet army when he began to develop his new rifle. He created a ragged simpler reliable weapon but could withstand the riggers of the service in the field that some of its technology may have been borrowed from German weapons from late World War II. His 1947 design became the standard equipment of the Soviet and Warsaw pact armies. Versions were manufactured in several other countries including China. The Kalashnikov rifle with its distinctive curved magazine became a revolutionary icon in the hands of militants and insurgents around the globe.


A prominent Syrian campaign group says it believes more than 300 people including 87 children have been killed over the past weeks in a bombing campaign in the northern city of Aleppo. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights which opposes the government says Syrian warplanes have been targeting areas held by rebels.


Suicide bombers have attacked a local television station in Iraq, killing at least 5 journalists. Police say the four militants tried to take over of the headquarters of Salaheddin station in Tikrit. The Security forces say they were able to retake control of the building after killing the militants.


Two members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot who've been released from jail say they will carry on their political protests. Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova were jailed for hooliganism after a protest performance at Russia's main cathedral in February last year. Bridget Kendall has more.

俄罗斯朋克乐队暴动小猫的两名获释成员称将举行政治抗议,艾廖希娜和托洛孔尼科娃去年2月份再俄罗斯大教堂举行抗议,后因流氓罪入狱。Bridget Kendall报道。

Today's release of the two Pussy Riot protesters was not unexpected. As mothers of young children both were eligible under a recent Russian prison amnesty. But once freed to speak out again, they were as defiant as ever, denouncing that the decision to let them out as a publicity hoax and declaring they would continue their fight for human rights in Russia. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova compared the whole country to a penal colony. Maria Alyokhina promised new protests.


The authorities in Honduras say they are extraditing 18 Mexicans who posed as TV journalists and tried to smuggle more than 18 million dollars into the country. They were arrested last year when they tried to enter Honduras posing as reporters from Mexico's Televisa station. Police seized TV equipment and found the cash in traces of cocaine hidden in their vehicles. They were laid to sentence by a tribunal in Honduras to up to 18 years in jail.

