英语听力精选进阶版 10280(在线收听

Egypt's military-backed interim government has declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group, the government blamed the group for Tuesday's bomb attack on the police headquarters in the city of Mansoura north of Cairo that killed at least 13 people. From Cairo here's R S.


The Egyptian government declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization in the statement today, the statement added that the Egyptian cabinet will take punitive measures against any person who promotes the organization in any way. The Muslim Brotherhood had already been declared a banned organization by a judicial verdict after the Brotherhoods Mohammed Morsi who won elections to become president of Egypt was ousted from power. In a swift action to the latest move, the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm condemned the decision. It twitted that it is a worthless decision from an illegal government.


According to Turkish media the MP and former Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin has resigned from the ruling AK party in the wake of a corruption investigation for this has already led to the resignations of the three top ministers in Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government. R Aslan reports from Istanbul.


None of those who have resigned so far are directly implicated. But all of them have fell the impact of the investigations that are now underway. Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan said he had resigned to help unearth the truth about what he called an ugly plot. Interior Minister Muammer Guler had come under intense pressure of the several police chiefs who had authorized the corruption investigation's role sect. And Environment Minister Erddogan Bayraktar called for the resignation of Prime Minister Erdogan, said he acted under the Prime Minister's orders. The Prime Minister has gone to see President Abdullah Gul,sparking speculation that the cabinet reshuffle is imminent.

目前辞职的9个人中没有一个人直接参与其中,但全都受到目前正在进行的调查的影响。经济部长泽弗·卡格拉杨称自己辞职是为了帮助发掘所谓丑陋阴谋的真相,内政部长古勒尔受到来自几位警察局长的压力,后者已授权进行腐败调查。环境部长Erddogan Bayraktar呼吁总理埃尔多安辞职,称自己是依从总理的命令而所为。总理已前去与总统居尔会面,这让人怀疑内阁重组即将来临。

At least 34 people have been killed in two separate bomb attacks targeting Christians in the Iraq capital Baghdad. In the first attack, a car bomb went off where worshippers were leaving a church after a Christmas service, killing at least 24 people,another bomb nearby left another 10 people dead.


The Russian authorities have dropped charges against all but one member of the 30 strong Greenpeace activists who've been arrested for protesting against oil exploitation in the Arctic. Because no translator was available on Wednesday's state of process,the final member of the group who's Italian,his case is not expected to be closed until Thursday.The BBC's Artyom Liss is in Moscow.

俄罗斯当局放弃对一人除外的30名绿色和平活动人士的指控,这些人因在北冰洋附近抗议石油开采被拘留。因为在周三的审判中没有翻译人员,因此该组织最后一名意大利成员的案子只能周四结束。BBC记者Artyom Liss在莫斯科报道。

Basically, there is one more bureaucratic hurdle they have to jump. They have to obtain exit visas from the Russian authorities and then they can get on the plane and fly out. The process of obtaining those exit visas I don't think it'll be a terrible and long process and in any case it does have to finish before the end of the year, because then Russia goes on its new year break which is held on 10 days.


Queen Elizabeth has looked back on some of the notable royal events of the year in her Christmas broadcast of the nation and Commonwealth. In the annual address, she urged everyone to poise and reflect on service and duty, remembering her own pledge of service at her coronation 60 years ago. The Queen also mentioned the arrival of her great grandchild: Prince George.


“Here at home my own family is a little larger this Christmas as so many of you will know, the arrival of a baby gives everyone the chance to contemplate the future with renewed happiness and hope.”


An international team of researchers have pinpointed new areas in DNA that increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. The results come from the largest genetic study ever carried out involving nearly 30,000 patients. This report is from our science correspondent Pallab Ghosh.

一个国际研究者小组识别中DNA中能提高患风湿性关节炎几率的片段,这一结果来自至今进行的最大规模的基因研究,涉及近3万名病人。科学记者Pallab Ghosh报道。

The research team compared the DNA of arthritis patients with those without the disease. They found 42 faulty areas that were linked with the disease. The hope is that drugs can be developed to compensate for these faults. Indeed, the lead researcher Pro.Robert Plenge of Harvard Medical School found that one of these areas in DNA produced a weakness that was treated by an existing drug, that was developed by trial and error, rather than specifically made to correct the genetic problem.

科学家对比了关节炎患者和没有患有这种病的人的DNA进行对比,发现与该疾病有关的42个缺陷区域。研究者希望开发出能弥补这些缺陷的药物,哈佛医学院的首席研究员Robert Plenge发现DNA中一个这样的缺陷区域是可以用现有的药物加以治疗的,这种药物是通过实验和出错开发出来的,而不是专门用来修改基因问题的。

Around 37,000 homes in the South England are still without power as a result of a severe storm earlier this week. The company that of owns and maintains the electricity cables and lines across the region says some properties in Kent, Surrey and Sussex may be without electricity until the end of the week, more than 100 flood warnings are in place for England, Wales and Scotland. One Hotel Area in the historic spa town of Bath had to cancel more than 50 Christmas dinners after the river Avon flooded his property.

