英语听力精选进阶版 10304(在线收听

After months of intense western pressure, the main Syrian opposition group in exile has voted to attend next week's peace conference in Geneva. The issue of whether to attend the talks has split the coalition with many reluctant to go unless President Bashar al-Assad is excluded from any proposed transitional Syrian government. Jim Muir reports.


The western powers who support the Syrian opposition will be relieved of the coalition's general assembly finally came up with the vote in favor of going to Geneva-II as the peace talks have been called. But it's less than the resounding display of unanimity and unity that the advocates of the process have been hoping for. While the “Yes”vote of 58 made up a substantial majority of the 73 who took part. It's less than half of the 120-strong general assembly. That means that substantial parts of the coalition stayed away in disapproval of the venture.


Palestinian officials in Syria say food aid has reached the refugee camp in a rebel-held suburb of the capital Damascus for the first time in 4 months. Recent reports from the Yarmouk camp which is run by Palestinians say children have been dying of malnutrition.


The BBC journalist and presenter Kolma Dumor has died suddenly at his home after suffering a heart attack. The director of BBC Global News Peter Horrocks described Kolma as a leading light of African journalism. Lyse Doucet worked with Kolma and had this appreciation of the man who recently became the lead presenter of the BBC's first daily television program for Africa.

BBC记者兼主持人Kolma Dumor因心脏病突然在家中去世,BBC全球新闻主任皮特·赫鲁克斯称Kolma是非洲新闻界的明灯。Lyse Doucet曾与Kolma共事过,很欣赏他,Kolma最近刚成为BBC首个每日非洲电视节目的首席主持人。

“His voice was one of the most distinctive on the BBC.”


“Hello, everyone I'm Kolma Dumor, welcome to focus on Africa, here are our top stories tonight.”

“大家好,我是Kolma Dumor,欢迎关注非洲,下面是我们今晚的头条新闻。”

“Kolma Dumor was a big man in every way. Big-hearted, a talented broadcaster with the winning smile. I first met him in Ghana in 2007 when he'd just joined the BBC's Africa service. I noticed even then, how young Ghanaian journalists looked up to him. He never flinched from asking tough questions, but also loved to share a laugh. Kolma was admired across the BBC's Global audiences, but most of all, Africans celebrated his success. Last year, he was named one of the 100 most influential people on the continent by New African magazine. Kolma had many loves, including football, his faith, his family. He often said, ‘I just love talking with people.’We'll miss hearing from him.

“Kolma Dumor是个很棒的人,他是一位内心慷慨、有才华的播音员,脸上都是带着迷人的微笑。我第一次见到他是在2007年,那是在加纳,当时他刚进入BBC的非洲栏目,我注意到当时年轻的加纳记者们都很尊敬他,他从来不害怕问刁难的问题,但也喜欢分享笑声。Kolma受到BBC全球听众的欣赏,但最重要的是,非洲人欣赏他的成功。去年,他被新非洲杂志评选为100名最具影响力人物之一。Kolma有很多爱好,他喜欢足球,有信仰,热爱家庭。他经常说的话是,‘我喜欢与人交谈。’”我们会想念他的。

The South Sudanese army says it has recaptured the strategic town of Bor from rebel forces. The army spokesman Philip Aguer said the government troops had defeated more than 15,000 fighters loyal to the former Deputy President Riek Machar. A rebel spokesman said they'd staged a tactical withdrawal, because Bor was now a ghost town. Both sides at peace talks in neighboring Ethiopia say they're close to signing a ceasefire.

南苏丹军队称已经再次从叛军手中夺下战略重镇博尔镇,军队发言人Aguer说政府军击败了1.5万多名忠于前副总统Riek Machar的武装分子。叛军发言人称他们进行了战略撤退,因为博尔如今已是一座鬼城。在邻国埃塞俄比亚举行会谈的双方称他们准备签署停火协议。

Egyptian electoral officials say 98% of voters back to new constitution in this week's referendum. The military-backed interim government had urged a big “Yes”vote. The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood had boycotted the poll. James Reynolds reports from Cairo.


Egypt's military-backed government has got what it wanted, an overwhelming and entirely,unsurprising“Yes”vote. The result is a return to the 90% plus votes of the Mubarak years. But turnout here is the more revealing figure. In this vote,it was almost 39%, that beats the 33% who voted in a 2012 constitutional referendum during the Muslim Brotherhood's year in power. The “Yes” votes will now be followed by presidential and parliamentary elections.


A series of car bombings in and around Iraqi capital Baghdad has killed at least 20 people and injured more than 60 others. Five people died in a blast near the city's new upmarket Mansour shopping mall while 4 others were killed in a bombing near juvenile detention center.Two Italian men have disappeared in Libya, Rana Jawad reports from Tripoli.

伊拉克首都巴格达内外发生多次汽车爆炸案,导致至少20人丧生,伤及另外60多人。其中5人在该市最新的曼苏尔购物商场死亡,另外4人死于青年感化所附近的爆炸案。两名意大利男子在利比亚失踪,Rana Jawad在的黎波里报道。

The two Italian construction workers went missing on Friday. They had been working on a road project in the east of the country. Local media reports said their vehicle was found abandoned on the outskirts of the city by their colleagues. Derna is a stronghold of extreme Islamist groups that have set up bases there and in neighbouring Benghazi. Both cities have seen a series of assassinations over the past 12 months targeting local military and police.


France's First Lady Valerie Trierweiler has left the Paris hospital where she'd been receiving treatment for stress for over a week since allegations surfaced that the French President Francois Hollande was having an affair. She went to an official residence in Versailles.

