英语听力精选进阶版 10330(在线收听

Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders have signed an agreement on ending the political crisis there. Under the deal mediated by European Union foreign ministers, a caretaker government will be installed and elections will be brought forward to December. Tim Wilcox has more from Kiev.

乌克兰总统亚努科维奇和反对派领导人签署了终止国内政治危机的协议。根据欧盟外交部长们斡旋制定的协议,乌克兰将组建临时政府,并将选举提前至12月份。Tim Willcox在基辅报道更详细内容。

After an all-night session involving three foreign ministers from Germany, France and Poland, President Yanukovych finally signed an agreement with the opposition and what a humiliating agreement that is. It sees a reduction of his presidential powers, a return to the constitution of 2004, and a few hours ago, the parliament here voted to release the opposition leaderYulia Tymoshenko. She has been imprisoned now for 2 years. That has to be ratified by the president and the speaker of the parliament. Well it is yet another clamp-down and humiliation for president Yanukovych.

来自德国,法国和波兰三国的外交部长们举行了整晚的会晤之后,乌克兰总统最终与反对派签署了对他来说丧失尊严的协议。该协议削弱了他的总统职权,并要求恢复2004年宪法。几个小时前,议会投票释放反对派领袖尤利娅·季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)。她现在已经被关押了两年的时间。该决定还需经过总统和议会议长批准。但是这对总统亚努科维奇来说又是一个打击和羞辱。

On Independence Square in central Kiev, thousands of demonstrators jeered opposition leaders when they appeared on stage after signing the deal. A BBC correspondent there says one group of protesters has threatened to storm government buildings if President Yanukovych does not resign on Saturday. The agreement has been welcomed internationally.


Italy's Prime Minister designate Matteo Renzi has named his cabinet after formally accepting the mandate to lead a new government. Half of the posts have gone to women. From Rome, Alan Johnston reports.

意大利总理马特奥·伦齐(Matteo Renzi)接受了领导新政府的授权后组建了新的内阁。其中半数的职位由女性担任。罗马,Alan Johnston报道。

Mr. Renzi has come to power talking of the need for rapid and sweeping reforms. And now he has the team that he hopes will deliver all the change that he has promised. The country is mired in severe economic trouble. And nothing will be more important than the performance of the new finance minister, Mr. Padoan. He has been a critic of the budget cuts and austerity measures that were imposed here in the past. Among the women appointed at the cabinet is a former mayoress of a town in the south. She was forced to quit after coming under threat from a local mafia.

伦齐(Matteo Renzi)因论述了进行快速全面改革的必要性而上台。现在,他已经组建了团队,希望能够实施曾经承诺过的所有改革。意大利深陷严重的经济困境。新任财长帕多安的表现将是最重要的。他曾经批评国家过去实施的削减预算和紧缩措施。被委任担任内阁职务的其中一名女性就是南部一个城市的前市长。她受到当地黑手党的威胁后被迫辞职。

The city of Detroit has found a plan to rescue from bankruptcy and restructure its huge 18 billion dollar debt under the plan which still needs court approval. Retired city employees could see their pensions cut by 30%. Beth McLeod is in Washington.

底特律市递交了拯救这个破产的城市并重组高达180亿美元的巨额债务的计划。该计划还需要法庭批准。按照该计划,退休的城市员工退休金将削减30%。Beth McLeod在华盛顿报道。

When Detroit was granted protection from its creditors in December, it marked the biggest public bankruptcy in the American history. The roadmap for how to tackle it has been long-awaited by city workers, pensioners and creditors. This plan proposes to reduce benefits for retired city employees. These cuts aren't as deep as some feared, but will still be contested in the courts by those who face losses. On the other side, the city's creditors, including Wall Street banks, the plan proposes to give some of them only about 20% of the money they claim.


The Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni says he wants to put a controversial anti-homosexuality bill on hold to give scientists a chance to investigate whether homosexuality is genetic or behavioral. The bill introduced in 2009 initially proposed a death sentence for homosexual acts but was amended to prescribe jail terms instead. Richard Hamilton reports.

乌干达总统约韦里·穆塞维尼(Yoweri Museven)表示,他希望暂时搁置一份有争议的同性恋法案,给科学家们机会来调查同性恋是基因所致还是行为问题。这部法案最初于2009年引入,提议对同性恋行为实施死刑判决,但是经过修订只是实施监禁。Richard Hamilton报道。

President Museveni is trying to please a conservative local constituency while avoiding alienating Western aid donors,particularly the United States. On Sunday, President Obama said the bill was a step backwards for all Ugandans and warned it would complicate Kampala's relationship with Washington. Mr. Museveni who is a devout evangelical Christian has also signed into law anti-pornography and dress code legislation which outlaws provocative clothing, bans scantily-clad performance from television and monitors what people watch on the Internet.

总统约韦里·穆塞维尼(Yoweri Museven)试图取悦保守的当地选民,同时避免疏离西方援助捐赠者,尤其是美国。周日,奥巴马总统表示,该法案对所有乌干达人来说是一种倒退。并警告称,该法案将会使坎帕拉与华盛顿的关系更加复杂。穆塞维尼总统是一位虔诚的福音基督徒,他此前还将反色情作品和着装准则签署法案,该法案规定刺激性服装违法,禁止电视播放衣不蔽体的画面,并监视人们在互联网上浏览的内容。

Two athletes at the Sochi Winter Olympics have been disqualified after failing doping tests. A German biathlete Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle and an Italian bobsledder William Frullani both tested positive for a banned stimulant. They have been expelled from the Sochi Games.

索契冬奥会两名运动员未通过兴奋剂测试被取消资格。德国滑雪射击运动员Sachenbacher-Stehle和意大利雪橇运动员William Frullani双双检测出禁用兴奋剂阳性反应。他们已经被逐出索契冬奥会。

New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio has been accused of hypocrisy after his convoy was caught breaking traffic laws days after he announced he was getting tough on motoring offences. On Tuesday, Mr. Blasio put forward plans to reduce the speed limit across the city amongst other measures. Two days later, journalists filmed his official vehicle speeding, ignoring stop signs and changing lanes without indicating.

纽约市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)刚刚宣布严厉监控交通违规行为,他的座驾就被抓住违法交通规则,白思豪被指控虚伪。周二,白思豪提出降低纽约市行车限速等一系列措施。两天后,记者跟拍到他的公务车超速,忽略停车标志,不发信号就改变车道。
