英语听力精选进阶版 10340(在线收听

President Obama says Russia has put itself on the wrong side of history by violating Ukraine's sovereignty. He told reporters of the White House that the US was looking at a diplomatic and economic measures intended to isolate Russia.


What cannot be done is for Russia with impunity to put its soldiers on the ground and violate basic principles that are recognized around the world. And I think the strong condemnation that it's received from countries around the world indicates the degree which Russia is on the wrong side of history on this.


The US State Department said reports that Russia had given Ukrainian forces in Crimea an ultimatum to surrender or face assault, if true, would signal a dangerous escalation. The Russians said no such demand had been made. Christian Fraser reports from the Crimean port of Sevastopol.

美国国务院表示,俄罗斯向克里米亚乌克兰军队发出了最后通牒,要求他们投降或者面对攻击的报道如果属实,危险形势将会升级。俄罗斯表示他们从未提出这种要求。Christian Fraser在克里米亚塞瓦斯托波尔港口报道。

Ultimatums have come and gone here without incident. This time according to the Ukrainian side, a deadline has been set for Tuesday morning. The Russian said there had been no such threat. Utter nonsense was the phrase Moscow used. But no doubt the pressure is building on those who resist in these Ukrainian bases. In Sevastopol, a cargo ship has now been maneuvered into the mouth of the harbor. Beyond it we can see minesweepers patrolling the bay. It underlines the relentless buildup of Russian forces.


Pro-Russian demonstrators have occupied the regional government building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. About 300 protesters forced their way in while a crowd waving Russian flags and according to one report, chanting “Putin Come”gathered outside.


At the opening of his trial in Pretoria, the South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has pleaded not guilty to murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Mr. Pistorius says he mistook her for an intruder. A witness told the court that she heard screams and gunshots from the couple's apartment.

在比勒陀利亚审判开始时,南非运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯(Oscar Pistorius)否认自己谋杀了女友瑞瓦·史蒂恩卡姆帕(Reeva Steenkamp)。皮斯托瑞斯表示,他只是把她错当成入侵者。一名目击者告诉法庭,她听到从这对情侣的公寓传来尖叫声和枪声。

The United Nations has proposed a peacekeeping force for the Central African Republic of nearly 12,000 troops and police with a robust mandate to protect civilians. At least 2,000 people have died and more than 700,000 have been displaced since December in communal violence that followed a coup. Here is our UN correspondent, Nick Bryant.

联合国建议向中非共和国派遣接近12,000名军队和警察组成的维和部队,受领保护平民。自12月份以来,已有至少2,000人在军事政变后的团体暴力中死亡,超过700,000人流离失所。下面是我们的联合国通讯员Nick Bryant。

Concerned by how the circle of violence in the Central African Republic could spiral into genocide, the UN has proposed a peacekeeping force for this war-torn country. Right now, thousands of African Union and French troops are in the country,which will soon be bolstered by soldiers from the European Union. But the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon would like to see a blue-helmeted peacekeeping force of up to 10,000 soldiers and 18,000 police. It would include troops from the African Union already on the ground. He would like the force to be given a robust mandate and also adequate resources.


The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the Venezuelan authorities to listen carefully to the aspirations of the protesters and engage in dialogue with the opposition. He was speaking ahead of a scheduled meeting in Geneva with the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua. Eighteen people have died in nearly a month of anti-government protests in Caracas and other cities.

联合国秘书长潘基文敦促委内瑞拉当局认真倾听抗议者的心声,与反对派进行对话。在日内瓦预订的会议之前,潘基文与委内瑞拉外交部长埃利亚斯·豪阿(Elias Jaua)谈话。已有18人在加拉加斯和其他城市接近一个月的反政府抗议活动中遇难。

An Egyptian government minister has told the BBC that it was a mistake for the authorities to put a group of journalists from the broadcaster Al Jazeera on trial charged with aiding the Muslim Brotherhood. The Minister for Investment and Foreign Trade Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour alleged of the journalists including a former BBC correspondent Peter Greste had been working for a television channel that served the purposes of a terrorist organization. But he said he would react differently to the situation. The journalists denied all the charges against them.

埃及政府一名部长告诉BBC,当局审判来自半岛电视台一些记者,控告他们援助穆斯林兄弟会的行为是错误的。投资与外贸部长穆尼尔·努尔(Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour)宣称包括前BBC通讯员Peter Greste在内的一些记者在一个为恐怖组织服务的电视台工作。但是他表示,他会对此作出不同的反应。这些记者否认了所有控罪。

An attack by suspected Islamist militants in northeastern Nigeria has left more than 30 people dead. A senator from Borno state told the BBC that the militant group Boko Haram sent a warning before the raid on the town of Mafa on Sunday night and many people fled to the nearby city of Maiduguri. He said soldiers also fled. Nigeria's Interior Minister Abba Moro says they are doing everything they can to try and stop the violence, but it will take time.

尼日利亚东北部可疑的伊斯兰激进分子发动袭击,造成超过30人死亡。来自博尔诺州一名参议员告诉BBC,周日晚上,激进组织博科圣地袭击玛法村之前先发出了警告,许多人逃往附近的迈杜古里市。他表示,士兵也一起逃亡。尼日利亚内政部长阿巴·沫若(Abba Moro)表示,他们正在采取一切措施试图制止暴力,但是这需要时间。

This is a world blamed series of attacks and activities by the Boko Haram, the civilian activity in Nigeria for which these government was not completely prepared to tackle. But at least that this government was accepted by the crowd. Every resource that is valuable to combat our Nigerian rebel.


Nigeria's Interior Minister Abba Moro.

尼日利亚内政部长阿巴·沫若(Abba Moro)。

Hundreds of Muslims are being protesting in Mauritania's capital Nouakchott following reports that copies of Koran had been desecrated at a mosque. The Imam said the 4 men entered the mosque, tore apart the books and threw them into a toilet. Police fired teargas to disperse the protesters.

