英语听力精选进阶版 10351(在线收听

Top level talks between the United States and Russia to try to ease the crisis over Ukraine have ended in stalemate. After hours of discussions in London, the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said there had been no common vision with his US counterpart John Kerry. Speaking through an interpreter, Mr. Lavrov said a referendum on Sunday in Crimea on whether to join Russia should go ahead on schedule.


We have repeated our position that was expressed by the President of the Russian Federation. We will respect the will of people of Crimea. That would be expressed at the referendum on the 16th of March.


Mr. Kerry warned that if the vote went ahead, there will be sanctions. The two men agreed to stay in touch. But the BBC diplomatic correspondent says the tone of their meeting suggests the crisis is deepening, raising tension to levels not seen since end of the Cold War.


The governor of the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk says Russians were behind the violence that broke out between rival demonstrators on Thursday leaving one man dead. He dismissed as a distortion of Russian government's statement blaming the clashes on Ukraine. From Donetsk, here is Steve Rosenberg.

乌克兰东部地区顿涅茨克州长表示,周四互相敌对的示威者之间爆发暴力冲突,造成1人死亡,俄罗斯人是幕后黑手。这位州长称俄罗斯政府的故意扭曲,将冲突归咎于乌克兰。Steve Rosenberg在顿涅茨克报道。

Russia's foreign ministry claimed that pro-Moscow demonstrators had been set upon by far-right activists backed by the government in Kiev. But the governor of Donetsk region Sergei Taruta told me that none of that corresponded to reality. He accused Russians of aggressive rhetoric. It is a war of words which erupted in violence yesterday, and there is concern here, that there could be more unrest in the coming days.

俄罗斯外交部声称,亲莫斯科示威者受到基辅政府支持的右翼积极分子的袭击。但是顿涅茨克州长Sergei Taruta告诉我,这完全与事实不符。他指控俄罗斯人侵犯性的语言。这场语言之争昨天引发了暴力,有人担忧未来几天形势可能更加动荡。

Information is emerging that the Malaysian Airlines plane missing since Saturday continued to send routine alternative signals at least 5 hours after it was reported lost. The BBC has learned that the signals were received by a satellite company based in London. A BBC correspondent says there is no way they could have been sent unless the plane was intact and had power. He said the information should make it possible to calculate an approximate position for the aircraft.


The competence of South Africa's police has come under the spotlight at the murder trial of the athlete Oscar Pristorius.Andrew Harding reports from Pretoria.

由于对运动员奧斯卡·皮斯托利斯(Oscar Pistorius)谋杀案进行审判,南非警方的能力受到公众关注。Andrew Harding在比勒陀利亚报道。

Under cross examination, the first officer to arrive at Oscar Pristorius' home was obliged to acknowledge a series of basic errors. The athlete's gun was handled without protective gloves. At least one of his expensive watches were stolen from his bedroom before the forensic teams had even finished their work. Evidence was moved around, it was even alleged the police had lied in their statements about the time a key detective had arrived. The athlete's lawyers have raised some serious questions today about the police's handling of the crime scene, but the judge will have to decide whether the prosecution's case has been undermined.


Venezuela's Foreign Minister Elias Jaua has accused the American Secretary of State John Kerry of inciting violence in his country, calling him a murderer. Mr. Jaua was responding to comments Mr. Kerry made on Thursday when he accused the Venezuelan government of waging a terror campaign against its own people in response to opposition protests. Twenty-eight people have died since the unrest began over a month ago.

委内瑞拉外长哈瓦(Elias Jaua)指控美国国务卿约翰·克里扇动暴力活动,称克里是谋杀犯。周四,克里指控委内瑞拉政府对自己的民众发动恐怖主义运动,镇压抗议活动,哈瓦对克里的言论作出回应。自一个多月前动乱开始以来,已有28人遇难。

An Indian diplomat has again been indicted in the United States on charges of visa fraud and lying about how much she paid a domestic worker. The move reopens a case that has sparked a bitter diplomatic row. Nick Bryant reports.

一名印度外交官再次因签证欺诈和瞒报家政工人薪资在美国遭到控告。此举导致曾经引发严重外交冲突的案件重新开始。Nick Bryant报道。

Just 2 days after a judge dismissed her case on the grounds that she enjoyed diplomatic immunity. Devyani Khobragade has been re-indicted on the same charges as before. India's deputy consul in New York at the time of her arrest last year, her case caused uproar back home, particularly because she was strip searched after being apprehended. She has pleaded not guilty to lying to the American government to get her Indian housekeeper a work visa and also to underpaying her. Her diplomatic immunity no longer applies because she's back in India.

距离一名法官以她享受外交豁免权为由驳回该案件之后仅仅两天的时间。柯布拉加德(Devyani Khobragade)因同样的罪名再次被控告。去年被捕时她担任印度驻纽约领事馆副总领事,她的案件引发了印度国内骚乱,尤其是她被捕后遭遇裸搜。她否认为印度女佣获得工作签证时向美国政府说谎并克扣薪资。由于她已经返回印度,外交豁免权不再适用。

The Panama Canal authority has approved a deal to settle a dispute over cost overruns that delayed a project to widen the water way. The Spanish-led construction consortium and the canal authority will each invest an extra 100 million dollars in the scheme which is due to be completed next year.


The French footballer, Nicolas Anelka has announced that he is leaving his English club West Bromwich Albion with immediate effect. Anelka was suspended for 5 matches for what was deemed a racially aggravated goal celebration. He performed the quenelle salute which many considered to be anti-Semitic. In a post on Twitter, Anelka said the club had imposed conditions he couldn't accept.

法国足球队员尼古拉斯·阿内尔卡(Nicolas Anelka)宣布离开英超西布罗姆维奇俱乐部,立即生效。由于在比赛中做出涉嫌种族歧视的庆祝动作,阿内尔卡此前至少被停赛5场。阿内尔卡作出了La Quenelle的庆祝动作,许多人认为这个动作是反犹太教的。在推特上发布信息时,阿内尔卡表示,俱乐部提出了他不能接受的条件。
