英语听力精选进阶版 10358(在线收听

The European Union has named 12 Russians who will be targeted by new sanctions aimed at President Putin's inner circle following the crisis in Ukraine. The move comes on the day President Putin signed a law formalizing Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. EU ministers meeting in Brussels signed an agreement on closer political cooperation with Kiev. Gavin Hewitt reports from Brussels.

欧盟宣布对12名俄罗斯人实施新的制裁,旨在乌克兰危机后打击普京总统的核心集团。此举发生在俄罗斯总统普京签署法案,正式接受克里米亚脱离乌克兰,加入俄罗斯当天。在布鲁塞尔举行会晤的欧盟部长们签署了协议,与基辅进行更加密切的政治合作。Gavin Hewitt在布鲁塞尔报道。

Twelve new names were added to the list of those facing travel restrictions and an asset freeze. Among the names is the Russian deputy prime minister, 2 presidential advisers and speakers of both houses of parliament. At a summit in Brussels,the leaders also agreed that they would progress to economic sanctions if the crisis escalated although divisions remain.


Some countries like the Baltic states and Poland wanted a much firmer response to Russia.


The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe which includes both Russia and the EU has agreed to send an international monitoring mission to Ukraine. To start with, 100 hundred monitors will be deployed around the country. The mission could be expanded by an additional 400 monitors. Bethany Bell reports from Vienna.

包括俄罗斯和欧盟在内的欧洲安全与合作组织赞同向乌克兰派遣国际观察团。最初大约100名观察员将被派往乌克兰各地。之后还将有400名观察员加入,进一步扩展该任务。Bethany Bell在维也纳报道。

The international monitors will be deployed in 9 regions of Ukraine, including areas in the east where there has been violence between pro-Ukraine and pro-Russian activists. They will be working to reduce tensions on the ground. However, the OSCE mandate doesn't mention Crimea. Russia's ambassador to the OSCE says the observers won't be going there because Crimea is no longer part of Ukraine. But the US ambassador says Crimea is Ukraine and the monitors have a mandate to go there.


Rebel fighters in Syria are trying to win control of a border-crossing from Turkey that leads into Latakia province, one of President Bashar al-Assad's key strongholds. There are conflicting reports over the clashes with rebels claiming they've taken the crossing while government forces say they have been repulsed. Our Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher reports.

叙利亚叛军战士试图控制从土耳其通往拉塔基亚省的过境处,这里是总统阿萨德关键的堡垒之一。关于这场冲突出现了互相矛盾的报告,叛军宣称他们已经占领了这个过境处,而政府力量称他们已经击退了叛军。我们的阿拉伯事务编辑Sebastian Usher报道。

Three radical Islamist groups including the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra-Front have announced a new campaign against President Assad's Alawite heartland. The province of Latakia on Syria's coast has long been seen as the last bastion the president and his inner circle would retreat to if necessary. It's been left relatively unscarred by the conflict so far, but latest,fighting is focused on the Kasab border-crossing with Turkey. Rebel fighters have taken up positions around it but do not yet appear to have taken it.


The government of Brazil says it will send troops to Rio de Janeiro.

