英语听力精选进阶版 10361(在线收听

The Chinese government has demanded to see the satellite data that led Malaysia to conclude that the missing Malaysia Airlines' flight had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. Chinese deputy foreign minister asked Malaysia's ambassador to China to provide detailed evidence. Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak said earlier on Monday that satellite data showed the aircraft had ended its journey in the remote seas west of Australia.


This is a remote location, far from any possible landing site. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.


But some relatives of the Chinese passengers said they were sceptical of Malaysia's conclusions as the plane had not been found yet. Most of the people onboard were Chinese. Wan Yonglei's parents were aboard the plane when it vanished from radar screens more than 2 weeks ago.


For me now, it's disaster until now. All the information, they just confused all the family. Surely we already don't trust the Malaysia.


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the G8 summit in Russia in June has been canceled following its annexation of Crimea. Speaking at a G7 meeting in the Hague, she said that while the political environment was lacking, the G8 did not exist either. The Prime Minister David Cameron had a similar view.


We should be clear there is not gonna be a G8 summit this year in Russia. That's absolutely clear. We'll be meeting tonight, the 7 other countries of the G8 to determine the way forward, but frankly, it is Russia that needs to change course.


Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said it would be no great tragedy if Russia was expelled from the G8. Mr. Lavrov who is in the Hague for a nuclear security summit has met his Ukrainian counterpart Andriy Deshchytsia on the sidelines.

俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫称,如果俄罗斯被从八国集团赶出,将不会非常悲惨。目前在海牙参加核安全峰会的拉夫罗夫在会议期间会见了乌克兰外长Andriy Deshchytsia。

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has denounced death sentences given to more than 500 of its supporters as politically motivated. A Brotherhood spokesman told the BBC that the army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has used the judiciary as a tool against the banned organization. There has been widespread condemnation of the sentences which were delivered during only the second session of the trial of Brotherhood supporters charged with killing a policeman and destroying property last year. The US has expressed its deep concern.


A jury in New York has convicted 5 former employees of the disgraced financier Bernard Madoff for conspiracy to defraud. They were found guilty of defrauding clients, securities fraud and falsification of books and records. The 5 helped Madoff cover up the true nature of what's thought to be the biggest financial fraud in US history which lost investors more than 17 billion dollars. It's the first related case to reach trial since Madoff was jailed back in 2009.


There are fears that an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus may have spread into Liberia from neighboring Guinea after 5 patients died in Monrovia. The Liberian health minister said they were investigating the exact cause of the deaths. The BBC's global health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar reports.

利比里亚的蒙罗维亚出现5名病人死亡,人们担心致命病毒埃博拉已从邻国几内亚蔓延到利比里亚。利比里亚卫生部长称正在调查具体死因,BBC全球卫生记者Tulip Mazumdar报道。

An emergency response is underway by the country's ministry of health to control the outbreak. Since the end of January, the virus has killed around 60% of people infected. There is no known cure or vaccine for the virus, so the focus is on stopping more people catching it. It's highly contagious and spreads through close contact with infected people and animals. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea and internal and external bleeding. Emergency isolation units have been set up in the affected areas.


Officials in the United States are continuing their search for victims of the massive landslide that hit a small village in Washington state on Saturday. They say there are 108 reports of people missing or unaccounted for. Officials said many of the reports could refer to the same people. So far, 8 bodies have been recovered. Heather Graf is a reporter for King 5 News, a local TV station. She says the situation is incredibly difficult for the rescue crew.

美国官方继续搜索周六华盛顿州遭受泥石流袭击的小村庄的遇难者,称报道有108起失踪。官方称很多失踪报道可能指向同一个人,到目前为止找到8具尸体。Heather Graf是当地电视台记者,她说目前的情况对搜救人员来说很艰难。

They have been out there all night. They have been on there much of this morning, and in the last half hour, they have been pulled from the scene temporarily because they were worried that the ground is going to start moving again.

