疑犯追踪第4季 第2期:撒马利亚人(在线收听

 I have to say, the early results are impressive. 我必须承认,前期的成果令人惊叹。

Samaritan has preempted multiple threats to national security. 撒马利亚人预先解除了多起对国家安全的威胁。
You're welcome, Senator. 不用谢,参议员。
Your machine seems to be even more aggressive than Northern Lights. 你的机器似乎比北极光更为激进。
Samaritan is designed to be proactive. 撒马利亚人的设定就是先发制人。
We can't afford to miss even one terrorist now, can we? 现在可是一个恐怖分子都不能漏掉,是吧?
All assurances aside, what really concerns me is accountability. 所有的保证先放一边,我真正担心的是责任。
Accountability? 责任?
It appears Decima Technology has been dismantled as a viable business entity, which makes me wonder, who exactly is getting the NSA feeds? 似乎德西玛科技已经解散不再是可行的商业整体了,这让我很想知道国安局的监控信号到底发给谁了?
We had a deal, Senator. 我们约定好了的,参议员。
We get the feeds. 我们拿到信号。
You get the relevant numbers. 你们拿到相关号码。
What we do with that information is entirely up to us. 用那些信息做什么完全是我们自己的事。
That deal offered us plausible deniability. 那个约定为我们提供了合理推诿。
If the public ever gets wind of Samaritan, I just hope you're somewhere to be found. 要是公众发现了撒马利亚人,我只希望有地方能找到你。
I wonder if our...fine senator has become more of a problem than asset. 我想知道我们的好参议员是不是已经从资产变成了负担。
One that needs to be eliminated. 需要加以清理。
And what about Harold Finch and his associates? 那哈罗德·芬奇和他的同僚呢?
That's unlike you. 这可真不像你。
Still, I'm sure whatever rock they decide to hide under, we'll find them as soon as they emerge. 反正,我确定不管他们躲在哪块石头下,只要一冒头我们就会发现他们。