英语听力精选进阶版 10379(在线收听

Ukraine's Interim Interior Minister says shooting has broken out in the eastern town of Kramatorsk. Arsen Avakov said pro-Russian demonstrators tried to storm a government building. In the eastern city of Sloviansk, unidentified gunmen seized police and state's security buildings and raised the Russian flag. Our correspondent in Sloviansk David Stern says no one knows who carried out the assault there.


The gunmen seem to be extremely well-organized, we saw these the barricades already erected within minutes of our arrival in the town of Sloviansk. We also saw town’s numerous checkpoints and roadblocks on the road going from Donetsk and a couple of roads going from Donetsk to Sloviansk. And the gunmen all seem to be very well-equipped, they were wearing these unmarked green uniforms, which has been seen, we also saw in Crimea. Now, the question that everyone is asking is who is exactly these people are? They say that they are the local defense unit.


The US Geological Survey has reported a magnitude 7.6 earthquake which has struck about 100 km southeast of of Kira Kira in the Solomon Islands. A tsunami warning for the Solomons, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and the surround region has been issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning center.


It's emerged that the suspected Islamist militants in northern Nigeria have killed at 135 people in a series of attacks last week in Borno state. Here is Will Ross in Lagos.


Initial reports from these remote areas of Borno state said around 70 people are dead. But the senator representing the area, Ahmed Zannah, told the BBC at least 135 civilians were killed. He said the first target was a teacher training college in Dikwa town, where the gunmen killed five teachers and abducted several of their wives. The senator said the suspected Boko Haram gunmen attacked two remote villages close to the Cameroonian border on Thursday where 130 people were killed.

来自波诺州偏远地区最初的报道称约有70人丧生,但代表该地区的参议员Ahmed Zannah告诉BBC至少135人丧生。他说第一个袭击目标是Dikwa的教师培训中心,武装分子在这里杀死了5名教师并绑架几名妻子。参议员说嫌疑博科圣地武装分子周四袭击了喀麦隆边境附近两个偏远村庄,杀死130人。

Thousands of people, many of them suffering serious illnesses have taken part in a demonstration in Chile's capital Santiago to demand a reform of the health system. Gideon Long was there.

数千人在智利首都圣地亚哥举行游行要求进行医疗体系改革,其中很多人身染重病。Gideon Long报道。

The people on the march say the state should be doing more to help all the Chileans pay for the high cost of medical care. Chile is one of only three countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the OECD, in which private spending on health care outstrips public spending. People here say that should be reversed. It's a quite emotive demonstration, I'm seeing people here walking on crutches, people in wheelchairs, there are people here who have terminal cancer who came out to the streets to make their voices heard.


Officials in Pakistan say gunmen had kidnapped dozens of villagers from a gathering in the tribal areas in the northwest of the country. Local government officials said suspected Taliban militants have taken about 100 tribesmen, but later released 40 of them. Media reports said the men were taking away from an opium and cannabis selling fair.


A prosecutor in Paris says the photographer and two top executives of the magazine, which reported the alleged affair between the French President Francois Hollande and the actress Julie Gayet are to be charged under the strict privacy laws in France. The photographer Laurent Viers and the magazine executives will appear in court in July charged with breach of privacy.

法国一家杂志曾报道过总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德和女演员朱莉·葛耶的恋情,目前巴黎检察官称根据法国严格的隐私法指控这家杂志的摄影师和两名高管。被控侵犯隐私的摄影师Laurent Viers和杂志高管将在7月份出庭。

The government and opposition forces in Syria have accused each other of using poison gas in a village in the center of the country on Friday. State television said rebels linked to al-Qaeda has released chlorine gas in Kafr Zita, killing two people and injuring more than 100 others. Opposition groups said dozens of people were injured when thick smoke caused suffocation and poisoning. More details from Lyse Doucet.

叙利亚政府和反对派军队相互指责在该国中部一个村庄使用毒气,国家电视台称与基地组织有关的叛军在Kafr Zita释放了氯气,杀死两人,伤及另外100多人。反对派组织称浓重的毒气引发窒息和中毒,数十人受伤。Lyse Doucet报道。

It was the Syrian opposition which first reported that there has been an airway they have seen the smoke, some spoke the barrel bombs which is a technique, we know the government has been using particularly in the northern area of Aleppo. They talked about people being injured. But then shortly after that, the government state television reported that chlorine had been used by the al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, and not just that, it's been said that the rebels plan to use them again.


Two Berber men have died in the Southern Algerian city of Ghardaia in sectarian clashes. Tension between the Arab and Berber ethnic communities has risen sharply since the destruction of a historic Berber shrine in December in the city, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Police reported the man was killed by a hunting rifle on Friday night. The Ghardaia hospital said a second man had died of injuries sustained in the clashes.


Scotland First Minister Alex Salmond has urged Scots to set aside party differences and back independence ahead of a referendum in September on whether Scotland should leave the United Kingdom. Speaking at his Scottish National Party's conference in Aberdeen, Mr. Salmond said a yes vote was a vote for Scotland and needn't be an endorsement of him nor of the Scottish Nationalists.

