美国小学英语教材5:第87课 松毛虫(6)(在线收听

 In the meantime the caterpillars have changed their dress. 与此同时,毛毛虫也换了衣服。

They now wear six little bright red patches on their backs, surrounded with scarlet bristles. 它们现在背上有六个鲜红色的小斑点,周围是鲜红色的毛发。
In the midst of these red patches are specks of gold. 在这些红色的斑块中间有一些金色的斑点。
The hairs on their sides and underneath are whitish. 它们两侧和下面的毛都是白色的。
In November they begin to build their winter tent high up in the pine tree at the tip of a bough. 11月,它们开始在高高的松树上一根大树枝的顶端搭起冬季帐篷。
They surround the leaves at the end of the bough with a network of silk. 它们用丝网把树枝末端的叶子围起来。
Leaves and silk together are stronger than silk alone. 树叶和丝绸一起比单独的丝绸更结实。
By the time this shelter is finished, it is as large as a halfgallon measure and about the shape of an egg. 当这个庇护所完工时,它已经有半加仑那么大了,大概有一个鸡蛋的形状。
In the center of the nest is a milk-white mass of thicklywoven threads mingled with green leaves. 巢的中央是一团乳白色的粗线和绿叶交织在一起。
At the top are round openings, the doors of the house, through which the caterpillars go in and out. 屋顶上是圆形的开口,这是房子的门,毛毛虫从中进出。
There is a sort of veranda on top made of threads stretched from the tips of the surrounding leaves where the caterpillars come and doze in the sun, heaped one upon the other with rounded backs. 屋顶上有一条丝线,丝线是从周围树叶的顶端延伸出来的,毛毛虫在那里绕来绕去,在阳光下打盹。
The threads above are an awning, to keep the sun from being too warm for them. 上面的线是一个遮阳篷,防止阳光太热。
The inside of the caterpillars’ nest is not at all a tidy place; it is full of rags, shreds of the caterpillars’ skins, and dirt. 毛毛虫的巢里一点也不整洁;里面满是破布、毛毛虫的皮屑和泥土。