英语听力精选进阶版 10394(在线收听

The United States has imposed further sanctions on Russia in response to what it called the country's illegal intervention in Ukraine. The sanctions target seven individuals and 17 Russian companies linked to President Vladimir Putin. Barbara Plett Usher reports.


The White House said the seven officials are now subject to a freeze on any assets they hold in the United states and they are banned from travel into America. They include Igor Sechin, the head of Russia's major oil company, Rosneft. The 17 companies have also had their assets frozen. This is the third round of sanctions that the US had imposed on Russia over the crisis in Ukraine. All have been aimed at specific individuals and entities. But the administration has made clear, it's ready to target key sectors of the economy if Moscow lodges a military intervention deep into Ukraine.


Russia said the right range of measures will be applied in response. The mayor of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv has been shot and critically wounded. Hennadiy Kernes was shot in the back by unknown gunmen. Mr. Kernes was an ally of Ukraine's ousted president, but has recently backed the idea of united Ukraine. Earlier, armed pro-Russian militants seized key government buildings in the eastern town of Kostyantynivka. The incident comes as the OSCE called for the immediate release of 12 of its observers, including five Ukrainians were being detained by pro-Russian insurgents.

俄罗斯称将对此采取系列措施,乌克兰东部城市哈尔科夫市长中弹受伤严重。Hennadiy Kernes被无名武装分子开枪击中背部,他是乌克兰被废黜总统的助手,但最近支持统一乌克兰的观点。早些时候,持枪亲俄罗斯武装人员占领了东部城镇Kostyantynivka重要的政府大楼。当时欧洲安全与合作委员会(OSCE)呼吁立即释放其12名观察员,包括被亲俄罗斯叛军地逮捕的5名乌克兰人。

There has been international condemnation of a handing out the death sentences in Egypt to almost 700 supporters of the banned Muslim Brotherhood. The United States said the decision defied for the most basic standard of the international justice. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressed fears for the country's future stability. The men, including the movement's leader Mohamed Badie were convicted over clashes in the city of Minya last year. From Cairo, here's Orla Guerin.

埃及决定对被禁的穆斯林兄弟会的近700名支持者实施死刑,此举遭到国际上的谴责。美国称该决定违反了国际正义的最基本标准,联合国秘书长潘基文表示担心该国未来的安定。这些人包括兄弟会的领袖穆罕默德·巴迪,此人因去年该市发生的冲突获罪。Orla Guerin在开罗报道。

There were chaos and anguish outside the court after the judge recommended the death penalty for almost 700 men. There were convicted in a mass trial, which finished in hours. The verdict will be reviewed by a top Islamic scholar. The court also upheld 37 death sentences past last month. Today's verdicts were heightened concern about the growing crackdown on dissenter.


Reports from Iraq say a suicide bomber has killed at least 30 people in the east of the country. The attacker targeted a rally in the mostly Kurdish town of Khanaqin, 50 people are reported have been injured. The victims gathered to watch a video recording showing the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, who's receiving medical treatment in Germany. Earlier, suicide bombers killed at least 20 soldiers and policemen in other parts of Iraq. The attackers targeted polling stations where security forces were voting ahead Wednesday's parliamentary election.


The British Prime Minister has condemned as profoundly shocking the murder of a teacher in Leeds in northern England in front of her pupils. Anne Maguire was stabbed to death, a 15-year-old school boy has been arrested. The BBC education correspondent says fatal attacks on teachers in Britain are extremely rare.


Britain's best-known celebrity publicist Max Clifford has been found guilty of eight counts of indecently assaults on women and teenagers dating back to the 1970s. He was charged just a part of a wider investigation into allegations of his historic sex attacks following the death of the BBC's presenter Jimmy Savile three years ago. Robert Watson reports.


Max Clifford was a man who sold stories of sex and celebrity to the tabloid newspapers for decades. Now, his own reputation is in tests after being convicted of a series of sex assaults dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. This is the first successful conviction under the Operation Yewtree. The massive police investigation set up after the death of Jimmy Savile to look into allegations that other celebrities had also misused their fame and power to commit such assaults.


The Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has praised the reaction by the Brazilian international player Dani Alves to a racist incident during a match of the Villareal Stadium in Spain. Leonardo Rocha has more.

巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫赞扬了巴西国际球员丹尼·阿尔维斯对西班牙比利亚雷亚尔体育馆赛事中发生的种族事件的应对,Leonardo Rocha报道。

Dani Alves team Barcelona was losing the match and local fans threw a banana at the Brazilian right back, the player's reaction to the racial slur surprised everyone. He picked up the banana and took a bite before throwing it away. President Dilma Rousseff wrote on Twitter that Dani Alves had given a brave and forceful response to racism in sport, Hundreds of people, including footballers and politicians have since posted the pictures of themselves eating a banana in solidarity with Dina Alves. Leonardo Rocha is reporting.

丹尼·阿尔维斯的球队巴塞罗那输掉这场比赛,当地粉丝就向这名巴西人的身后扔香蕉,这名球员对这一种族侮辱行动的应对令每个人都吃了一惊。他捡起香蕉,咬了一口后扔掉了。总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫在推特上写道,丹尼·阿尔维斯对体育中的种族主义表现出了勇敢和决断。包括众球员和政客在内的数百人开始发布自己吃香蕉的照片来表示对丹尼·阿尔维斯的支持。Leonardo Rocha报道。
