疑犯追踪第4季 第82期:时局变幻(在线收听

 It's a tricky business. Playing a game in which you're unsure of the pieces. And in this game,  我想是的 时局变幻莫测啊 这场游戏要在一团迷雾中玩

I fear that losing is not an option. Damn, you like a cat. You got at least nine lives.  而且这场游戏 只怕输不起 靠 你是猫吧
I was worried we gonna lose the stash though. "H" is safe for now. Bitch made you tell her the location?  至少九条命 我还担心藏货保不住呢 海洛因现在很安全
Chick was tracking me. I couldn't shake her. I had to lead her to something of value so she'd back off. I would have sent somebody for you, but...  那贱人逼你说出地址了 那妞儿一直跟踪我 甩不掉 只能给她点真料 她才肯罢休
But you were just following orders. I wish his rat would have did the same. I caught this chick stealing crumbs.  我想派人去救你 但是 但是你得听命行事 真希望他那叛徒当初也能如此
I can explain everything. Where's your boss? You just met him.  这妞儿偷货时候被我抓个正着 我可以解释 你们老大呢
They always underestimate you. Booker kids stole from us, too.  幸会 狗眼看人低啊 布克兄妹也偷了我们的东西
Little man's got a good head on his shoulders. Kind of kid should be working for us. Spring his mom.  那小子倒是挺有头脑 适合给我们干活 做通他妈的工作
Make sure he knows who pulled the strings. Boy'll find his way back to us. Hearts and minds.  让他知道谁才是背后老大 那孩子会投奔我们的 全心全意归顺
What about that cop, Riley? And that bitch that was helping him. Still trying to figure out what game they playing.  那个警察莱利呢 还有那个帮他的贱人 搞不懂他们到底在玩哪一套
Seems like they not playing by no rule book. Cop's dangerous. But he's no different than us.  根本不按常理出牌 那警察很危险 他跟我们没什么不同
There'll always be cops, like there'll always be gangsters. Only one rule. What's that, Dominic?  警察永远都有 黑帮也永不消亡 最终就一条 什么 多米尼克
We all die in the end.  我们都难逃一死