
It’s dinnertime at Gabriel’s in New York City and the dining room is bustling.Above the din, it’s easy to overlook something else customers can hear each other.All these ceiling tiles are soundproof, this little runner that I have above my head is soundproof, I mean, I even have soundproofing in the kitchen.With an approximate reading of 72 decibels, Gabriel’s earns a spot on the quiet list, a compilation of restaurants where noise is not on the menu.The list is affiliated with the SoundPrint app.SoundPrint was created for anybody who’s ever gone to a restaurant whether it’s with your relatives or on a date and you want to be able to hear across the table and you find your voice getting louder and louder.The iPhone app lets users contribute a sound check or reading of the noise level in any restaurant.

这是晚餐时间的纽约市Gabriel餐厅,餐厅熙熙攘攘,喧嚣之下,除了顾客彼此的话,其他东西很难引起注意。所有这些天花板瓷砖都是隔音的,我头顶上的这个小跑道是隔音的,我的意思是,我甚至在厨房里都配有隔音设备。Gabriel餐厅的噪声读数大约为72分贝,位列安静名单之上,这是一个餐厅的汇编,有噪音的餐厅不能上榜。该名单是SoundPrint app出品的。SoundPrint是为所有去餐馆的人创建的,无论是与你的亲戚聚餐还是约会,你都希望能够在桌子对面听到对方的声音,但是你会发现你的声音越来越大。这款苹果app让用户可以任何餐厅检查噪音或读取噪音级别。

Under 71 decibels is considered quiet.71 to 75 is moderate.75 to 79 is loud and anything over 80 is considered very loud.SoundPrint developers found the microphones and iPhones to be comparable to a professional sound level meter.The sound checks are averaged and users can search a compendium of restaurants ranked by loudness, and the benefits go beyond dining.If you are in a louder very loud environment for prolonged periods, it will damage your hearing.Owner Gabriel Aiello can attest to this having worked in a noisy restaurant years before opening his own.We had wood floors and a metal ceiling, and on the weekends, because we were so busy when I would hit the pillow at night, my ears would be ringing.These days Aiello hears more ringing up of checks and says the lower noise levels are good for business.It always comes back that you know everyone’s had a good experience.I think even the customers underestimate how the experience changes when they can communicate.At Gabriel’s, the conversations are savored as much as the food.

低于71分贝择认为是安静的。71至75分贝是适度的。75到79分贝是喧嚣的,任何噪声指数超过80分贝就会认为是非常嘈杂的。SoundPrint的开发人员发现麦克风和苹果手机可以与专业的声级计相媲美。声音检查是平均的,用户可以搜索按噪声排名的餐馆名单,其好处不仅限于用餐。如果长时间处于噪声很大的环境中,您的听力会收到损害。店主Gabriel Aiello可以证明这一点,在他开自己的餐厅之前,他曾在一家嘈杂的餐厅工作多年。我们的地板是木质的,天花板是金属制的,因为周末餐厅非常忙,晚上我打算睡觉时,头碰到枕头,我就会耳鸣。这些天,Aiello听到的更多是支票的声音,他表示较低的噪声水平有利于做生意。顾客都会再来,每个人都有一个很好的体验。在我看来,即使客户也低估了他们沟通时消费体验发生的变化。Gabriel店里,人们交流愉悦,用餐愉快。
