疑犯追踪第4季 第145期:装死(在线收听

 Okay, Harold, why are we here? 哈罗德,我们到这里干吗?

It's bread crumbs, Ms. Shaw. My attempts to trace the emails and wire transfers provided by Tomas and Katya 面包屑,肖女士。我追踪了托马斯和卡迪亚提供的邮件和转账记录,
Have yet to reveal their client's identity. But yesterday the client wired money to pay for storage at that address. 仍无法得知客户的身份。但昨天那位客户转了一笔钱支付这里的储藏费用。
Knight & Morris, the oldest and most secure storage facility in New York, housing everything from priceless heirlooms to renaissance art. 奈特和莫里斯公司,纽约最安全的储藏公司,存放物品包括从价值连城的传家宝到文艺复兴艺术品。
In their 95-year history, they have never been robbed. They are, simply put, a fortress. 在它九十五年的历史中从未失窃过。这里,简单点说,就是座堡垒。
So of course that's where the vials are now. 所以无疑,病毒就在这里。
To locate them precisely, we still need to know the client's name. 要知道它的确切位置,我们仍要知道客户的名字。
Son of a...Marko. 混蛋...马可。
Marko? Marko Jevtic? The partner that died in Prague? 马可?马克·耶夫蒂奇?死在布拉格的搭档吗?
Wait, didn't you kill that guy? 等等,你没杀他?
I've never killed anyone. We tried to spring Marko out after he got caught, but it was too risky. 我从没杀过人。马可被抓后,我们想救他出来,但太冒险了。
So either he's a really well-preserved corpse, or he escaped by faking his own death. 那他要么是保存完好的尸体,要么是他装死逃了出来。
Marko thinks we left him to rot, and this whole double-cross is his revenge. 马可认为我们弃他于不顾,这出背后捅刀的戏就是他的报复。
Revenge or not, Jevtic is in possession of a deadly virus, and I would very much like to know what he intends to do with it. 报不报仇暂且不说,耶夫蒂奇手上有致命病毒,而且我很想知道他对病毒有何企图。
My buyer just transferred half the money. We get the rest when the package is delivered. We move at midnight. 买家刚转了一半的货款。包裹移交后我们就能拿到另一半。午夜行动。
So that gives us less than six hours to figure out how to rob this place. 那我们就只剩六小时计划怎么抢劫这里。
We have another problem, Harold. I'm looking at an operative from the relevant side. 我们还有个麻烦,哈罗德。我看到一个相关方的特工。
A government agent? Are you certain? How do you know? 政府特工吗?你确定吗?你怎么知道的?
Because I trained him. Devon Grice, crimson six alpha. I know him and his partner. 因为是我训练的他。德文·格赖斯,深红6A。我认识他和他的搭档。
Now that Marko has the virus, this whole damn thing just went relevant. 现在马可手上有了病毒,整件事升级为"相关"了。