疑犯追踪第4季 第147期:犯罪(在线收听

 Fine, we'll commit your felony. But unfortunately, I have another criminal act to attend to first. Ms. Groves, I'm on my way. 好吧,那就犯罪去吧。不过遗憾的是,我还得先着手另一项犯罪计划。格罗夫斯女士,我在路上了。

Good, Wilkins is about to leave for the night. 很好,威尔金斯准备走了。
And now we are cooking. Nice work, you guys. First batch should be done by morning. 制作中。干得好,伙计们。第一批早上就可以完成了。
Samaritan's blind, Harold. You're up. 撒马利亚人瞎了,哈罗德。上吧。
Accessing the system. I'll need about ten minutes. 进入系统。我大概需要十分钟。
Yes? - I got a text offering me 3,000 bucks if I can fix your internet in the next five minutes. 有事吗?-我接到短信说如果可以在五分钟内修复网络可以付我三千块。
I don't want to rush you, Harold, but I think Samaritan's onto us. 真不想催你,哈罗德不过撒马利亚人开始对付我们了。
Surprisingly, Ms. Groves, that does not help me concentrate. 令人惊奇的是,格罗夫斯女士,这可不利于我集中精神。