英语听力精选进阶版 10505(在线收听

Ukraine's defence minister has warned that Russia has begun a full-scale military intervention in Ukraine after his troops were forced to withdraw from Luhansk airport in the east. Valeriy Heletey said Russian forces were behind the latest offensives by separatist rebels in Luhansk and Donetsk, and said the Kremlin had brought war to his country. Moscow denies sending soldiers into Ukraine. Steve Rosenberg has been following developments from Moscow.

乌克兰军队被迫从东部卢甘斯克机场撤退后,其国防部长警告称,俄罗斯对乌克兰开始了全面的军事干预。谢列特(Valeriy Heletey)表示,俄罗斯军队就是卢甘斯克和顿涅茨克分裂主义叛军最近一系列进攻的幕后主使,称克里姆林宫给乌克兰带来了战争。莫斯科否认向乌克兰派遣了士兵。 Steve Rosenberg在莫斯科追踪事态的发展。

In eastern Ukraine today Ukrainian troops lost more ground to pro-Moscow forces. They pulled back from the strategically important airport in Luhansk and from the town of Gueorguievka. And yet only a few days ago it seemed that Kiev had the upper hand in this conflict and was close to defeating the militants. Kiev accuses Moscow of sending in Russian troops and armoured columns to bolster the separatist rebels. Moscow denies sending troops into Ukraine and claims that rebel gains there are simply the result of a successful counter-offensive.


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said it is now clear that the conflict in eastern Ukraine has never been internal but one between Russia and Ukraine, and warned that Berlin was prepared to impose new sanctions on Moscow even if they hurt the German economy. The country's President Joachim Gauck meanwhile said Russia had ended its partnership with Europe by seeking to impose what he called a new order on the continent.

德国总理默克尔表示,现在已经非常明确,乌克兰东部的战争从来都不是国内战争,而是俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争。她警告称,即使会危害德国经济,柏林也已准备好对莫斯科实施新的制裁措施。与此同时,德国总统约阿希姆·高克(Joachim Gauck)表示,俄罗斯试图在这片大陆实施所谓的新秩序,已经终止和与欧洲的合作伙伴关系。

The United Nations Human Rights Council has agreed to send an emergency mission to Iraq to investigate violations committed by Islamic State fighters. Meeting in Geneva, the council condemned abuses by the militants, saying they may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Chaloka Beyani, a UN special rapporteur on human rights, warned of a genocide if the humanitarian situation in Iraq is ignored.

联合国人权委员会同意向伊拉克派遣紧急任务小组,调查伊斯兰国战士实施的暴力行为。在日内瓦召开会议时,委员会谴责了激进分子的暴行,称他们必须为战争罪和践踏人权罪负责。联合国人权问题特别报告起草人Chaloka Beyani警告称,如果漠视伊拉克的人权状况,可能会发生种族大屠杀。

"While some of the most horrific reports emerging from Iraq remain to be verified, many of the warning boxes have already been ticked. We join our voices to those who have stressed that atrocities by Isil currently ongoing in Iraq appear to amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, and reveal a real risk of genocide."


The British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a series of new measures to deal with citizens planning to travel abroad to fight with extremist groups. Here's our political correspondent Rob Watson.

英国首相卡梅伦公布了一系列新的措施,处置计划前往国外为极端组织战斗的公民。下面是我们的政治通讯员Rob Watson报道。

The government already has the power to deny a citizen a passport. Now police will have the ability to confiscate them at the airport if someone is suspected of heading off to fight in Syria or Iraq. The Prime Minister David Cameron also announced a tightening of controls on terrorism suspects' movements within Britain. But the controversial idea of stopping British nationals from returning home after fighting abroad now seems unlikely.


The United States has requested the immediate release of three of its citizens currently detained in North Korea. The State Department asked for the release of Kenneth Bae, Jeffrey Fowle and Mathew Miller out of humanitarian concern. The three men have appealed to Washington to secure their release.

美国要求立即释放目前被拘留在朝鲜的3名公民。国务院出于人道主义考虑,要求释放Kenneth Bae, Jeffrey Fowle和Mathew Miller。这三人向华盛顿提出诉求,请求获释。

On the final day of the football's international transfer window Manchester United has so far been the biggest spender.According to Fifa the five major leagues have already exceeded the $2bn spent on transfers last year. Our sports correspondent Alex Capstick has the details.

在足球国际转会的最后一天,曼联目前为止成为最大的买家。根据国际足联的统计,五大主要联盟去年在转会方面的花费已超过20亿美元。我们的体育通讯员Alex Capstick报道。

Anxious for success and with pockets bulging from an improved broadcast deal, the clubs have splashed the cash at record levels, and as United's unexpected swoop to sign on loan the prolific Colombian striker Radamel Falcao from Monaco, which has dominated the headlines so far today. As the clock ticks down to 11pm when business must cease other switches are likely, then a nervous wait for managers like United's new boss Louis van Gaal, owners and fans to discover whether or not the money has been wisely spent.

由于迫切渴望成功,而且由于广播协议而腰包鼓鼓,这些俱乐部的挥金如土达到新的水平,曼联意外地租借哥伦比亚摩纳哥前锋罗梅达尔·法尔考,目前为止成为新闻头条。随着夜晚11:00的倒计时越来越近,交易即将停止,其他转会还是有可能的,曼联新主帅范加尔(Louis van Gaal)等经理人,老板和球迷们都焦急地等待着,看一下这么多钱花得是否明智。

Spain has returned to Colombia nearly 700 indigenous artefacts produced before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers in the 16th century. The items of huge cultural and archaeological value had been smuggled to Spain by men involved with the Colombian drug cartels. They were seized in a police operation 10 years ago, but the Colombian government only won the legal right to have the items repatriated in June.


A series of grooves carved into the wall of a cave in Gibraltar may be proof that Neanderthals, the extinct cousins of modern humans, were more creative and intelligent than previously thought. According to new research the marks, which look like a Stone Age version of the Twitter Hashtag, were about 40,000 years old. Scientists say they are significant because that they show that Neanderthals were capable of abstract thought just like modern humans.

