万物简史 第533期:丰富多彩的生命(29)(在线收听

 A lot of mycologists work in industry, making cheeses and yogurts and the like, 许多真菌学家效力于工业,制造奶酪、酸奶等等,

so it is hard to say how many are actively involved in research, 因此很难说有多少人在积极从事研究,
but we can safely take it that there are more species of fungi to be found than there are people to find them. 而有待发现的真菌品种肯定多于在发现它们的人的数量。
The world is a really big place. 世界确实是个大地方。
We have been gulled by the ease of air travel and other forms of communication into thinking that the world is not all that big, 由于便捷的空中旅行和其他形式的交通工具,我们错误地认为世界其实不那么大,
but at ground level, where researchers must work, it is actually enormous — enormous enough to be full of surprises. 但在研究人员必须工作的地面上,世界其实很大——大得充满了新奇的东西。
The okapi, the nearest living relative of the giraffe, is now known to exist in substantial numbers in the rain forests of Zaire, 现在知道。长颈鹿活着的近亲獾枷蚍在扎伊尔的雨林里的数量很多,
the total population is estimated at perhaps thirty thousand — yet its existence wasn't even suspected until the twentieth century. 据估计,总数大约有3万只——然而,它的存在在20世纪之前连想也没有想到过。
The large flightless New Zealand bird called the takahe had been presumed extinct for two hundred years 新西兰有一种不会飞的大鸟,名叫短翅水鸡,被认为已经在200年前灭绝,
before being found living in a rugged area of the country's South Island. 接着发现它们生活在该国南岛的荒山野岭。
In 1995 a team of French and British scientists in Tibet, who were lost in a snowstorm in a remote valley, l995年,一个法国和英国科学家考察队在西藏一个偏僻的山谷里迷了路,
came across a breed of horse, called the Riwoche, that had previously been known only from prehistoric cave drawings. 偶尔碰上了一种新的马,名叫Riwoche,这种马以前只是从史前的山洞壁画上知道。
The valley's inhabitants were astonished to learn that the horse was considered a rarity in the wider world. 那个山谷的居民吃惊地获悉,那种马在外面的世界被认为是一种珍品。