英语听力精选进阶版 10511(在线收听

The leaders of Russia and Ukraine say that they are satisfied that the ceasefire agreed in eastern Ukraine is generally holding. President Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko discussed the truce by phone a day after the deal was reached. Both stressed the importance of international monitoring. Richard Galpin is in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

俄罗斯和乌克兰领导人表示,乌克兰东部的停火协议基本得以持续,他们对此感到满意。协议达成后,普京总统和乌克兰总统波罗申科通过电话讨论了休战问题。双方都强调了国际监督的重要性。Richard Galpin在乌克兰东部顿涅茨克报道。

It does seem to be much more calmer compared to how it was before the ceasefire came into effect. We went up to the airport,which was the scene of the most serious fighting over recent weeks, we did hear a couple of explosions and a few gunshots.


But I think that was the exception rather than the rule, and certainly local people were saying to us that basically had been quiet there as well. So overall certainly in Donetsk city it seems much much better as a result of the ceasefire.


A BBC correspondent in the port of Mariupol has heard shelling outside the city during the evening.


The man charged with an attack on a Jewish museum in Brussels in May has been accused of having previously been a jailor of Western hostages in Syria.


A French journalist who was freed in April after nearly a year in captivity, Nicolas Henin, told journalists in Paris that Mehdi Nemmouche was feared and violent. Mr Henin said when he was not singing he was torturing.

被俘一年后于四月份获释的法国记者尼古拉斯·埃宁(Nicolas Henin)在巴黎告诉记者,麦赫迪·涅曼彻(Mehdi Nemmouche)非常恐怖,有暴力倾向。埃宁表示,他不唱歌的时候就会虐待人。

"Mehdi Nemmouche was some kind of an egoistic person. He did beat me a number of times. I don't know any bad treatments to any other foreign hostages, coming from him specifically. But I witnessed him torturing local prisoners."

“麦赫迪·涅曼彻(Mehdi Nemmouche)是一个非常自私自利的人。他曾多次殴打我。我不知道其他外国人质是否遭到他特别的虐待。但是我曾亲眼目睹他虐待当地囚犯。”

A lawyer for Mr Nemmouche does express surprise at the allegations. The suspect is awaiting trial in Belgium for the gun attack on the museum that left four people dead.


Kurdish forces have recaptured a strategically important mountain in northern Iraq from Islamic State militants with the help of American air strikes. Mount Zartak overlooks a plain to the east of Mosul, helping whoever holds it to control the land below. Our correspondent Jim Muir has been to the mountain.

在美国空袭的帮助下,库尔德力量从伊斯兰国激进分子手中重新夺回了伊拉克北部有战略意义的山脉。Zartak山俯瞰摩苏尔东部一座平原,任何一方占领了这座山脉都可以控制下面的领土。我们的通讯员Jim Muir已经前往这座山脉。

On the windy height of the Mount Zartak, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters were picking out the villages lying on the hazy, gusty plain hundreds of feet below. The Kurds, backed by American air strikes that they say made a big difference, recaptured the mountain and large stretches of rugged terrain in a short, sharp battle, which left more than 30 IS fighters dead. They saw some of their bodies still sprawled among the rocks where they fell. But retaking Mosul has a much more daunting enterprise.It's a huge mainly Sunni city. The Kurds have no intention of trying to do it alone.


Reports from Lebanon say that its second soldier taken hostage by Islamic State militants has been beheaded. Photos of his murder have been posted on social media networks. He was among a number of Lebanese soldiers taken captive in the border town of Arsal last month.


The medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF, has expressed concern over a three-day national lockdown announced by Sierra Leone to try to hold the spread of Ebola. MSF said that in its experience lockdowns did not help control Ebola as they ended up driving people under ground. Umaru Fofanah is in Freetown.

医疗慈善机构无国界医生组织对塞拉利昂公布的全国禁闭三天来控制埃博拉病毒扩散的决定表示担忧。MSF表示,根据其经验,全国禁闭不能帮助控制埃博拉病毒,最终只能迫使人们私下行动。Umaru Fofanah在弗里敦报道。
