英语听力精选进阶版 10513(在线收听

The World Health Organization has just published its first ever report on suicide prevention. And statistics are very shocking. Across the globe someone ends their life every 40 seconds. That's around 800,000 people every year. And just 28 countries have any sort of strategy aimed at ending and preventing suicide. And WHO calls for governments, health services and even schools to give a far greater priority to suicide prevention. One British mental health campaigner Johnny Benjamin has direct personal experience of anguish caused by suicidal depression.

日前,世界卫生组织首次发布了关于自杀预防的报告,数据十分惊人——全球每40秒就有一人自杀,即每年约有80万人自杀。只有28个国家对中止和预防自杀采取了策略。世卫组织呼吁政府、医疗机构甚至学校高度重视自杀预防。对于自杀和抑郁引发的痛苦,英国心理健康运动人士Johnny Benjamin有切身的感受。

I began experiencing severe depression when I was 16, 17. And that's when I also started to have suicidal thoughts or feelings. Those carried on for a few years. I went to jump off bridge. And I was stopped by a passerby talked me out of what I was about to do. And then 6 years later on from that, I launched a campaign to try and find him. It was called the "Find Mike" campaign although Mike was not his real name, but, yeah, we called it the "Find Mike" campaign. It was massive on social media.



Well, thank goodness, he was there for you when you needed him, but presumably you would like not just the UK government but all governments to have a slightly more organized approach to help people when they get to the point you reached.


No, no, absolutely, I mean, suicide prevention has never really been a priority for governments it seems. Every 40 seconds, someone takes his life. And in this country alone, it's 16 people every day will take their lives.


But I want to understand there are policies in place to help people with depression. Do you think you need something specific for people who go beyond depression into having suicidal thoughts? Is it a separate issue or is it one and the same?


No, no, no. I believe it's another issue. I think there needs to be a kind of much more public awareness around suicide and how to approach people that may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings. You know, too few of us know how to react when they see someone who may be at risk of taking their lives or experiencing those sorts of feelings. And I think there needs to be much more public awareness, much more education in schools, as well. Because as statistics today have shown you know, young people are at special risk of taking their own lives. And suicide is now the second leading cause of death around the world between 15 and 29-year olds, which is really shocking.


And before I let you go, can I just ask about your experience of being someone who almost took their life but fortunately didn't? I was just reading yesterday about an American woman who runs a website for suicide survivors. Initially was it something that you were able to tell friends and families about?


No, initially no, because there is a sort of embarrassment.

