疑犯追踪第4季 第186期:杀了你(在线收听

 You can't give yourself up. He'll kill you. 你不能交出自己。他会杀了你。

I suspect he will. But there's a chance he'll let you and Anthony go. 我想他会。但他也有可能放过你和安东尼。
And a better chance he kills us all. 更有可能把我们全杀了。
Dominic's smart. He won't kill a detective if he doesn't have to. 多米尼克很聪明。不到万不得已,他不会愿意杀一名警探。
And Anthony...Anthony saved my life more than a few times over the years. What kind of man would I be if I didn't try and return the favor. 而安东尼...安东尼多年来屡次救我性命。救命之恩都不报,我成什么人了。
A live one. Now I'm gonna get you out of here. And once I do, I'll come back for Anthony. 活人。我要救你出去。你出去了,我再回来救安东尼。
You are nothing if not magnanimous, John, but I'm afraid...-There's nothing to discuss here. 你真是有雅量,约翰,但我恐怕...-没得商量。
We tried it your way. Now we're doing it mine. Dominic won't kill Anthony unless he has you. And I'm not gonna let that happen. 我们试过你的法子了。现在该换我的法子了。抓到你之前,多米尼克不会杀了安东尼。我不会让他得逞。
Do remember the last time you handed me a firearm? 还记得上次你给我枪时的后果吧?
You aimed it at my head. Don't make me regret it again. 你用来指着我的脑袋。别让我再后悔一次。
How much money you think is in there. 你觉得里面会有多少钱。
We're not looking for money, Link. Guy like Elias knows there's more to playing the game than just money. 我们找的不是钱,林克。以利亚这种人物懂得要玩这种局钱财只是其次。
There's the game within the game. To play that, you need influence, power. 永远局中有局。玩这个,要的是影响力,势力。
Leverage. 筹码。
And not the kind you buy. The kind you build. Takes information. Secrets. 都是买不来的。必须亲手建造。需要信息。秘密。
Elias knew we were coming for him but he came here anyway. Why? Because of this. 以利亚明知我们在追杀他却非要来这里。为什么?就因为这个。
You wanna run the streets? 你想纵横街头吗?
Hearts and minds. You wanna run the whole city? It's gonna take more than just money. And I'm tired of waiting for it. 用心,用脑。你想纵横整个城市吗?需要的不仅仅是钱。我不想再等下去了。