美国小学英语教材5:第88课 松毛虫(7)(在线收听

 The caterpillars stay in their nest all night, and come out about ten o'clock in the morning to take the sun on their veranda. 毛毛虫整晚都呆在巢里,大约在早上10点出来,在“阳台”上晒太阳。

They spend the whole day there, dozing, motionless, heaped together, and from time to time show their bliss by nodding and wagging their heads. 它们在那里呆一整天,打瞌睡,一动不动,堆在一起,不时地点头和摇头来表示幸福。
At six or seven o'clock, when it grows dark, the sleepers awake, stir themselves, and go out over the surface of the nest. 六七点钟,天渐渐黑了,睡觉的虫醒了,爬起来,走到巢的外面去。
Wherever they go, they strengthen the nest or enlarge it by the threads of silk that come out of their mouths and trail behind them. 无论走到哪里,它们都要用嘴里吐出的丝线把巢筑得更坚固,或把巢做得更大。
More green leaves are taken in, and the tent becomes bigger and bigger. 更多的绿叶被吸收进来,帐篷变得越来越大。
They are busy doing this for an hour or two every evening. 他们每天晚上都要忙上一两个小时。
So far, they have known nothing but summer; but they seem to realize that winter is coming. 到目前为止,它们只知道夏天;但是它们似乎意识到冬天就要来了。
They work away at their house in a manner which seems to say: “Oh, how nice and warm we shall be in our beds here, nestling one against the other, when the pine tree is lighted with frost. 它们在房子里不停地干活,好像在说:“噢,当这棵松树被霜照亮的时候,我们将在这儿的床上互相依偎着,多么舒服,多么温暖啊!
Let us work with a will!” 让我们同心协力地工作吧!”