向前一步:第206期 让我们开始讨论吧(12)(在线收听

 It was also enormously gratifying that men reacted positively to the talk too. 我很欣慰地看到,男性对这个视频的反应也很积极。

Dr. John Probasco of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 约翰·霍普金斯医学院的约翰·普罗布斯克博士告诉我,
told me that my story about women being more reluctant than men to raise their hands rang true for him 他发现在主动表达意见方面,女性的态度比男性更被动,
so he decided to do away with the old hand-raising system during rounds. 所以他决定在课堂讨论时不再采用传统的举手问答方式。
Instead, he started calling on male and female students evenly. 相反,他在提问时会保持男女生被叫到的比例一致。
He quickly realized that the women knew the answers just as well — or even better — than the men. 他很快就发现,女生实际上也知道答案,甚至回答得更出色。
In one day he increased female participation. 当他增加了女生的参与度时,
By making one small change to his behavior, he changed a much larger dynamic. 也相应地改变了男女生的活跃度。
Major changes can result from these kinds of "nudge techniques," 这类小激励技巧通过在关键时刻做出适当干预,
small interventions that encourage people to behave in slightly different ways at critical moments. 促使人们以不同的方式采取行动,从而让他们产生重要的改变。
The simple act of talking openly about behavioral patterns makes the subconscious conscious. 仅仅是公开地谈论行为模式,就会让潜意识行为成为有意识的行动。
For example, Google has an unusual system where engineers nominate themselves for promotions, 比如,谷歌有一个鼓励工程师毛遂自荐、争取升职的特别机制。
and the company found that men nominated themselves more quickly than women. 公司发现男员工比女员工行动更积极,
The Google management team shared this data openly with the female employees, 于是谷歌管理团队与女员工公开分享了这方面的数据,
and women's self-nomination rates rose significantly, reaching roughly the same rates as men's. 随后,女员工毛遂自荐的比例显著提高,几乎和男员工持平。
All the feedback from TED convinced me that I should keep speaking up and encouraging others to do the same. 从TED演讲得到的反馈让我相信,我应该继续这样表达意见,而且还要鼓励别人这样做。
It is essential to breaking the logjam. 我们需要打破僵局。
Talking can transform minds, which can transform behaviors, which can transform institutions. 交谈能够改变观念,观念能够改变行为,行为能够改变环境。