夏说英语新闻晨读 第549期:柏林病人再现(在线收听


A cure for Aids is a step closer, scientists believe, after a bone marrow transplant that has left a London patient HIV-free for 18 months. The success in London, 12 years after Timothy Brown, the so-called Berlin patient, underwent a similar transplant, was hailed as a key moment in the long hunt for a cure. "Although it is not a viable large-scale strategy for a cure, it does represent a critical moment in the search for an HIV cure," said Anton Pozniak, the president of the International Aids Society.

v. 治疗
n. 疗法
bone marrow transplant: 骨髓移植
leave sb. adj.: 致使
undergo: 忍受
be hailed as: (心怀敬意得)将其视为……
be regarded as (with great honour)
critical adj.: 批判的;临界的
