
 Cancer affects all of us -- especially the ones that come back over and over again, 癌症是我们每个人的大敌--尤其是那些不断复发的,

the highly invasive and drug-resistant ones, the ones that defy medical treatment, 容易扩散的,具有抗药性的癌症,药物治疗对它们无效,
even when we throw our best drugs at them. 即使我们用最好的药也无济于事。
Engineering at the molecular level, working at the smallest of scales, 在分子级别进行(基因)工程改造,从最小结构层面着手,
can provide exciting new ways to fight the most aggressive forms of cancer. (我们就)能找到意想不到的新办法同最致命的癌症进行斗争。
Cancer is a very clever disease. There are some forms of cancer, which, fortunately, 癌症是一种很狡猾的疾病。幸运的是,对于一些癌症,
we've learned how to address relatively well with known and established drugs and surgery. 我们可以通过一些验证过的药物和手术进行治疗,可以得到相对较好的结果。
But there are some forms of cancer that don't respond to these approaches, 但有几种癌症这些方法对它们都无效,
and the tumor survives or comes back, even after an onslaught of drugs. 即使在药物的猛烈攻击下,肿瘤依然能够存活或者复发。
We can think of these very aggressive forms of cancer as kind of supervillains in a comic book. 我们可以将这几种致命的癌症想象成漫画书里面的大反派。
They're clever, they're adaptable, and they're very good at staying alive. 他们狡猾,适应性强,生存能力一流。
And, like most supervillains these days, their superpowers come from a genetic mutation. 而且,跟现在(漫画书里)大多数大反派一样,他们的超能力来自基因突变。
The genes that are modified inside these tumor cells can enable and encode for new and unimagined modes of survival, 这些肿瘤细胞的基因不断变化,能找到新的、意想不到的生存方式,
allowing the cancer cell to live through even our best chemotherapy treatments. 可以让癌细胞抵抗住我们最强大的化学治疗。