
 What's great about this approach is that it can be personalized. 这种方法最大的好处就是可以定制。

We can add many different layers of siRNA to address different mutations and tumor defense mechanisms. 我们可以添加多重siRNA,分别针对不同的变异和防御机制。
And we can put different drugs into the nanoparticle core. 我们还可以在内核中放入不同种类的药物。
As doctors learn how to test patients and understand certain tumor genetic types, 随着医生掌握测试方法,弄清肿瘤的特定基因类型,
they can help us determine which patients can benefit from this strategy and which gene blockers we can use. 就能帮我们确定哪些病人能使用这种疗法,应该选用哪种基因拦截者。
Ovarian cancer strikes a special chord with me. 我想特别说说卵巢癌。
It is a very aggressive cancer, in part because it's discovered at very late stages, 它是一种非常可怕的癌症,一部分原因是它只有在晚期才能被发现,
when it's highly advanced and there are a number of genetic mutations. 那时病情已经很严重而且伴随很多基因突变。
After the first round of chemotherapy, this cancer comes back for 75 percent of patients. 在首轮化疗结束之后,有75%的患者会复发。
And it usually comes back in a drug-resistant form. 而且复发之后通常都有抗药性。
High-grade ovarian cancer is one of the biggest supervillains out there. 晚期卵巢癌是最大的超级反派之一。
And we're now directing our superweapon toward its defeat. 它是我们的超级武器下一个目标。