英语听力精选进阶版 10587(在线收听

The Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netayahu has put the country on course for early parliament elections by sacking two senior cabinet ministers who lead parties in his coalition government. In a televised address, Mr. Netayahu accused the finance minister Yair Lapid and the justice minister Tzipi Livni all ploting against him.


In one word, that is called the purge. And that makes it imposible to run a government, that makes it impossible to lead a country. Therefore, short while ago I struck the cabinet secretary to issue dismiss letters to the ministers Livni and Yair Lapid. Therefore, also due to the necessity to insure a stable and proper-conducted government I decided to push forward legislation to dissove the Knesset and go to a election as soon as possible.


Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni who both lead centural parties said the country had been dragged into unnecessary elections.


A court in Egypt has recommended the death penalty for more than 180 people found guilty of violently attacking a police station in Giza after last year's ousting of president Mohamed Mursi. More than a dozen people were killed in the attack. Fehalon Daword reports.

埃及法官建议对在去年穆罕默德·穆尔西总统被驱逐后在吉萨警察局进行暴力袭击的180多人施以死刑,有十几人在那次袭击中丧生。Fehalon Daword报道。

The Giza attack happended on the same day last August that security forces cleared two Cairo protest camps belonging to supporters of the ousted Islamic president Mohamed Mursi. Hundreds of people were left dead, nationwide unrest followed. Tudesay sentence comes after another court dropped charges against Hosni Mubarak on Saturday over the killing of protestors during the 2011 uprising that ended his 30 years old.


The medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres has again strongly criticized the international response to the Ebola epidemic in western Africa, describing it as patchy and slow. MSF said the job of tackling the crises had largely been lefted to doctors, nurses and charity organisations. Mark Doyo repports from Akar Ghana.


MSF's latest report is the reality check by an aid organisation that has done more than any other to fight Ebola in the past 9 months. MSF said foreign governments konwn to be the UK in Sierra Leone, and most recently China in Liberia were continuing to build Ebola treatment centres. But these were somethings in the wrong places and there were sometimes handing over staffing to people who do not have the right expertise MSF said.


The Kenya president Uhuru Kenyatta has replaced his interial minister and police chief following an attack by Somali Islamists from Al-Shebab which left 36 quarry workers dead. In a televised address, he urged Kenyans to unite in what he said was a war against terrorists. The president describe those who carried out the attack in Mandera when anonymous were shot and beheaded as deranged animals.


Professor Steve Hawking, one of the world's preeminent scientist has said that efforts to create thinking machines could results in the end of the human race. Professor Hawking said the forms of the artificial intelligence developed so far had proved as useful, but the development of more sophiticated versions had risks.


Once you have developed an artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and it would redesigned itself at ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological revolution, couldn't compete, and would be superseded.


The Ukrainian military says pro-Russia rebels have attacked its forces again at Donyetsk airport in eastern Urkaine despite talks on a ceasefire earlier in the day. The statement said rebel shelling shattered the cars after both sides attended the meeting which was also attended by a Russian general. Earlier the rebels reported a ceasefire at the bitterly-contested airport.


China has anounced its sending artists, film directors and news presenters to live in villages in order to learn about rural life. The announcement followed a speech in which president Xi Jinping criticised artists for producing vulgar art in a bid to for popularity rather than promoting socialist values. Martin Patience reports from BeiJing.


During chairman Mao's heyday, he sent millions of students down to the countryside to learn from their masses. Now, in an anchor of history, Chinese media whatchout says artists, TV and film staff will be following suit. Some of the recruits will spent at least a month in the village in order to experience local life. Others will be sent to areas deemed as historical significance to China's revolution repast. The country's media watchout says this will allow participants to uncap new subejcts and create more masterpieces.

