《摩登家庭》第1季第1集 第8期:画点没那么基情的东西(在线收听

 I'm not saying anything.You're saying everything. 我没别的意思  你就是话里有话

Count to three.  One, two- 数到3  1  2
Three. Okay. 3  好吧
Oh, Cam. This is beautiful. Oh, my God. Do you love it? 小卡  真美  我的天  你喜欢吗
Yes, I- 当然  我
What the hell is that? 这是什么玩意
I had Andre do it while we were gone. 我让安珠尔趁我们不在时画的
Is that us, with wings? 那是我俩吗  还有翅膀  
We're floating above her, always there to protect her. 我们在她的上方  永远守护着她
Okay. Well, that's reassuring, right, Lily? 这真让人心安  对吧  莉莉
Yes, we tore you away from everything you know, 我们把你从熟悉的环境中抢出来
but don't worry, things are normal here. 可别担心  新环境一切"正常"
Your fathers are floating fairies. 你的大爸二爸可是飞天小精灵哦
No, can you call Andre, 不行  你能叫安珠尔
have him paint something a little less gay? 重新画点不那么基情的东西吗
By the way, we need to stop having friends 另外  我们也该少和安珠尔往来
with names like Andre. 他名字也太娘了
Redheaded dad is angry daddy.  No, I'm not. 红发老爹怒火旺盛  我才不是
Yes, you are. 你就是
Even Pepper pointed it out on the way home from the airport. 回来的路上  连胡娇都看出来了
Okay, that's another one- Pepper. 你看  又一个娘气的名字  胡娇
Okay, what's up? 你到底怎么不爽
All right, look. I- 好吧  听着
I- I never told my family we were adopting a baby. 我还没有告诉家里领养孩子的事
And...  I know. 而且  我知道
You do? Yeah, and I don't blame you. I know your family. 你知道  我不怪你  我了解你家人
You'd tell 'em. They'd say something judgmental. 你一告诉他们  他们就开始说三道四
Exactly.  You'd get mad. 就是这样  然后你就会生气
I know. And then something that's supposed to be nothing but joyful 没错  当爹本该是一件喜事 
suddenly turns into this huge fight. 转眼就变成一团混战
And who wants a big, emotional scene like that? 谁愿意让事情变得一团糟呢
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢  谢谢
I'm so- I'm so relieved you understand. 你能理解我  真是让我松了一口气
I invited them over for dinner tonight. 所以我邀请了他们今晚来吃饭