英语听力精选进阶版 10597(在线收听

Senators in the US have condemned the CIA's use of extreme interrogation methods, following the Semptember 11th attacks, saying in some cases, they amount to torture. A long-awaited senate's report said the techniques used provided no useful information to the US authorities.The senate intelligence committee said the CIA has repeatedly missled policitians in the public. Ali Mabu reports from Washington.

美国参议员谴责CIA在9.11恐怖袭击后使用了极端审讯方法,在某些情况下,甚至虐待疑犯。一份等待已久的参议员报告称,他们所使用的审讯方法并未给美国当局提供有用的信息。参议院情报委员会表示,CIA曾多次在公共场合误导政客。Ali Mabu在华盛顿报道。

There are reports says that CIA misled the media, the American public, congress and White House itself about the tortue of Al-Qaeda suspects after 9/11. It details the use of sleep deprivation, up about to 180 hours of painful stress positions, of sexual threats, and humiliation hooding naked suspects dragging them down car or doors and beating them. Addressing the senate, the committee's head the democratic DianneFeinstein said that it was important that report was published now.

有报道称,CIA关于9.11恐怖袭击后虐待基地组织嫌疑人的问题误导了媒体,美国公众,国会和白宫。该报告详细介绍了CIA使用剥夺睡眠,长达180小时的痛苦压力环境,性威胁和违反人道主义的将裸体嫌犯从汽车上拖下来殴打他们等方法。向参议院发表讲话时,该委员会民主党负责人范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)表示,现在将该报告公诸于众非常重要。

It shows that the CIA's actions a decade ago are stains on our value, and on our history. The release of this 500 page summary can not remove that stain. But it can and does say to our people and the world that America is big enough to addmit one's wrong and confident enough to learn from its mistakes.


President Obama has said that the harsh interrogation methods detailed in senate's report will no longer take place on his watch. But director for CIA John Brennan has defended his agency's adoption of tough methods. He insisted that despite the mistakes which he made the techniques had helped prevent attacks, captured terrorists and saved lives. The Republican senator from South Carolina Lindsey O. Graham said he believed the interrogater's motivation was to protect America.

奥巴马总统表示,在他担任总统期间,参议院这份报告中提到的残酷的审讯方法不会再出现。但是CIA主管约翰·布伦南(John Brennan)为中情局使用酷刑辩护。他坚持称,尽管他犯了错误,然而这些审讯方法有效预防了袭击,抓捕了恐怖分子,挽救了生命。来自南卡罗来那州的共和党参议员格雷汉姆表示,他相信审讯者的动机是为了保护美国。

All that I can say is that the techiques in question were motivated by fear of another attack and people at the time thought this was best way to defend the nation. I accept that on their part. But as a nation, I hope we've learned the following that in this ideological struggle--good VS evil, we need to choose good.


European and US financial markets have fallen sharply due to the new concerns about Greece. The Athen's stock market plunged 10% and the price of crude oil set a new 5 year low close to 65$ a barrel. Here's our economist correspondent Andrew Warker.

由于对希腊问题新的担忧,欧洲和美国金融市场大幅下跌。雅典股市暴跌10%,原油价格也创造了5年来的新低,接近每桶65美元。我们的经济通讯员Andrew Warker报道。

Greece was a key factor as political uncertainty was hightened by decision to bring forward a presidential election. That raised new doubts about whether Greece would seek to the international bailout and to the 38 conditions who managing government's debts. Earlier, China tightened lending rules which could add to the economic slowdown on the way. The oil price was affected as weak global economic performance would undermine demand for energy.


The UN's refugee agency says western countries have promised to increase the number of Syrian refugees they would accept. Following a meeting of member states in Geneva, the UNHCR said the total would increase to 100,000 in the coming month. This is a significant increase from the current figure allowed into western countries, but falls well short of the number aid agencies had called for.


A US citizen has been indicted in Israel on weapon's charges has made concern that he may have posed a threat to Muslim holy sites. The justice ministry says the man Adam * had acquired some explosive material at Israel's internal security service ? said the town's questioning the suspect had committed giving thought to possiblity of attacking Islamic holy places.


Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe has sacked his vice president Joice Mujuru and his 7 other ministers following a power struggle in the ruling elite. Mrs. Mujuru had been accused of corruption and ploting to kill Mr. Mugabe who publiclly denounced her last week. Our Africa editor Reji Hamoten reports.

统治精英阶层一场权力斗争之后,津巴布韦总统罗伯特·穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)解雇了其副总统穆朱鲁(Joice Mujuru)和其他7名内阁部长。穆朱鲁已经被指控腐败和密谋杀害上周谴责她的总统穆加贝。我们的非洲编辑Reji Hamoten报道。

Among seemly power struggle is unfolding in Zimbabwe and the cracks are apearing in the governing ZANU-PF over who should succeed the 90 year old head of state. Joice Mujuru was one senior Robert Mugabe's heir but rumors persist that he designing his wife Grace Mugabe who is 40 younger than him and until recently seem more interested in shopping than politics. Mrs. Mujuru said she's been subjected to a militia's character assassination in the state media. She said she had become a fly in a web of lies whose final objective was the destruction of the government.

津巴布韦的权力斗争逐渐拉开序幕,执政的非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线内部就谁来接替这位90岁国家元首的职位展开斗争。穆朱鲁曾被视为穆加贝的继任者,但是谣言称穆加贝更倾向于小自己40岁的妻子格蕾丝·穆加贝(Grace Mugabe),而直到最近,格蕾丝对购物的兴趣似乎大于政治。穆朱鲁称她在国家媒体上遭遇了自卫队的人格暗杀。她说她现在漫天的网络谣言中成为讨人厌的苍蝇,这些谎言的最终目的是破坏津巴布韦政府。

The international Olymptic committee has officially recognised Kosovo as a member meaning before-Serbian province can entre a team in the 2016 games in Rio. Kosovo which declared independence in 2008 still hasn't be accepted by the UN and Russia and China refused to recognise it.

