《摩登家庭》第1季第2集 第2期:高尔夫球直友(在线收听

 hey. 嗨

Nice bike,sally. 单车不错啊 Sally
Dad! 老爸!
Come on. He looks like little bo peep on that thing. 在那上面 他看起来就像小波皮(little bo peep 著名童谣 女性形象)
Actually,not for long. He's getting a new bike this afternoon. 不会太久的 他今天下午就会有新车了
I am? Mm-hmm. 真的吗? 当然
He is? 是吗?
Sometimes a man's gotta put his foot down 有时候 做爸爸的得下定决心
And do what a man's gotta do. 做男人该做的事
And if the old lady don't like it... 要是做妈妈的不高兴...
Honey? 亲爱的?
...That's too damn bad. ...那就不关我事了
Yes! Who's excited,huh? 宝宝很高兴 是吧?
Cam,come on. Hurry up.We're gonna be late. Cam 快点 要不我们会迟到的
It's a toddler play class,not a flight to cabo. 就一带小孩的班嘛 又不是去卡波的飞机
We're gonna be judged enough as the only gay parents there. 作为唯一一对基佬父母 别人已经带有色眼镜看我们了
I don't want to be the late ones,too. 我不想还被人背后议论我们迟到
Wow. Paisley and pink. 苏格兰涡纹旋尼加粉色T恤?
Was there something wrongwith the fishnet tank top? 怎么不穿网眼背心?
Obviously not... I'mwearing it underneath. 没问题啊... 我穿里面呢
Kidding. Just chill,please. 开玩笑啦 不要激动嘛
I'm sorry. I just want to make a good first impression. 抱歉 我就想给大家留个好印象
You mean you want to fit in and not terrify the villagers? 你意思是 你愿意合群 不恐吓大家?
No,hey,come on. Today is about lily,all right? 别开玩笑了 权当为了Lily 好吗?
We... her future best friend might be in that class, 她未来的好朋友可能就在里面
And I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way. 我可不想和别的家长起摩擦
Can you please just...Change your shirt? 你能...换件T恤吗?
Fine. You know what? 好吧 这样吧
I'll just go put on a pair of khakis,maybe a polo shirt, 我去换条卡其裤 搭件polo衫
And everybody will think We're a couple straight golfing buddies 这样每个人就会认为我们是高球伙伴
Who just decided to have a kid together. 只是刚刚决定领养个孩子