英语听力精选进阶版 10610(在线收听

Thousands of people have attended the funeral in New York of Rafael Ramos one of the two policemen shot dead in their patrol car a week ago. Vice president Joe Biden told mourners that the death touched the soul of the entire nation. In his address, the governor of New York Andrew Cuomo touched on the subjects of racial and ethnic divisions.


New York knows this topic too well, New York has long been the entrance point for our country welcoming people from across the globe. The statue of Liberty stands in our harbour lighting out past. We know the difficulties of dealing with different races and ethinicities. But we also know the joy, and the success, and the richness that it has brought to New York.


When the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio rose to speak, many officers watching on screens outside turns their backs on him. They accused him of fostering anti-police sentiment by supporting protests against them.


Chineses state media are reporting the North Korea has suffered a further Internet failure amid an escalating war of words with the US over a cyber attack on Sony pictures. The country's Internet and 3G mobil networks were reportedly paralyzed for at least 2 hours. Charles Scantland for our Asia-Pacific desk has more.


Informations coming from the Xinhua News agency which maintains a bureau in Pyongyang and they are saying that there has been a Internet outages being very unstable basically for most of the day. Then at 7:30 eveing local time, the Internet was totally blackout and on their 3G networks. This seem to be exatly what happened on last Tuesday when another Internet also went down that time for 9 hours. We don't know who's behind this, but what we do know is that the North Korea's believe it is the US.


Officials in Somalia say a senior member of the Islmaic group al-Shabab has been captured in a town near the Kenyan border. They say the man Zakariya Ahmed Ismail Hersi was hidding in a house. There's been no independent confirmation. More details from our Africa editor Mary Hamper.


The district commissioner of the town of El Wag told the BBC Somali forces stormed the house after receiving a tipoff that Mr. Hersi had been hidding there for 6 days. He said that although Mr. Hersi had a pistol, he didn't put out to fight. In 2012, the US government offered a 3 million dollar reward for information leading to the location of Mr. Hersi, a leader of al-Shabab's much-feared intelligent wing. Earlier this year, he fell out with the group's then leader Ahmed Abdi Godane who was killed in a US air strike in September.

El Wag镇地区专员告诉BBC,索马里部队在得到赫西藏在这里6天的消息后就炮轰了这座房屋,他说尽管赫西有一把手枪,但他没有拿出来使用。2012年,美国政府提供300万美元的悬赏,希望获得有关赫西下落的情报,他是阿尔沙巴布令人害怕的情报人员。今年早些时候,他与该组织当时的领导人迪·戈丹内失和,后者在9月份美国的空袭中死亡。

The Turkishman who shot almost killed Pope John Paul II in 1981 has laid flowers on the late pontiff's tomb in the Vatican, a Italian media quoted Mehmet Ali Agca is telling police he felt he needed to make the gesture. His visit to the Vatican came 31 years of the day since the Pope visited him in prison and forgave him for the attempt on his life.


The Lierian former football star George Weah has won a landslide vistory in senate elections held last week despite the Ebola outbreak. Mr. Weah won 78% of the vote for the important Montserrado county seat which includes the capital Monrovia. He beat Robert Sirleaf the son of the Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Low vote turnout was blamed on concerns about Ebola.


Swiden's centre-left government has announced a deal with the mainstram opppostion in order to avoid holding a snap eletion. The agreement sidelines the anti-immigration Sweden democrats who helped vote down the government's budget earlier this month. The pary had been demanding a reversal in Sweden's liberal immigation laws in return for its support. Arken Bravent reports.


Among surfaces, the purpose of the deal was to establish stability in Sweden which was facing its most severe political crisis in 60 years. But the subplot was to neutral the anti-immigrant Sweden democrats, the third biggest party which provides voice to those opposed to the nation's generous open-door policy. Some political commentators believe the new deal will intensify the debate over immigration rather than suppress it. Sweden antipates that next year, it will grant asylum to more than 100,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq.


Former Urkainian soildiers have been released by Russia-back rebels as part of the biggest prisoners swap since the start of the conflict in Ukraine 10 months ago. This brings the number of government troops to be freed to 150. So far, 220 pro-Russian fighters have been released.


An ice cream parlour in Venezuela famous for its 863 different flavours has become the latest victim of the country's economic crisis. Coromoto based in the Venezuela Andes has told customers it had to close for the time being beacuse of the shortage of milk. The stall listed in the Guinis book of record is hugely popular with tourists for its exotic tasting ice creams which range from beer to beans.

