英语听力精选进阶版 10620(在线收听

A large security operation is underway well pass nightfall, in a rural area to the northeast of Paris near where 2 armed men believed to be the Islamic militants who attacked the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were sighted. Police blocked roads near the village of Longpont in the region of Picardy. Chris Morris reports.


警方封锁了皮卡迪地区Longpont村附近的道路。Chris Morris报道。

In northern France, a huge manhunt, the search for the men who attacked Charlie Hebdo is now concentrated in a rural area backing hours' drive northeast of Paris. A matter of police called on near the village of Longpont. There are reports of searches and sightings. Helicopters have landed in nearby fields. They are blocking the roads, this local man says it's all we know. The authorities hope the night is clothing.



Cherif Kouachi and his brother Said have been named as the suspects that police are chasing. Earlier in the day, they were reported to have stolen food and petrol from a nearby service station, still armed with automatic weapons. That location tune has been called in doss.

警方正在搜捕的两名嫌疑人为谢里夫·库阿希(Cherif Kouachi)和他的兄弟赛义德。据报道,当天早些时候,他们在附近一个服务站盗窃食物和汽油,仍然携带着自动武器。该位置已经被封锁。

The French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said aircraft will be used in the search for the men. He also said 88,000 police officers and soldiers had been deployed since the attack. Mr. Cazeneuve said the authorities acted as soon as they had suspects.

法国内务部长卡纳泽夫(Bernard Cazeneuve)表示将动用飞机搜捕嫌疑人。他还表示,自袭击发生以来已经部署了8.8万名警察和士兵。卡纳泽夫表示,当局发现嫌疑人后立即采取行动。

As soon as identity of theses suspects were established,there was surveillance. On the 7th of January last night, some searches were made, his home and where has evidence several towns were searched,several people have been also arrested.


For a second successive night, Parisians have gathered in the Place de la Republique to hold a vigil solidarity with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack. The rally counts at the end of day mourning in France. In New York, the 15 representatives at the UN security council also stood in a moment of silence.


The US defense secretary Chuck Hagel has confirmed the closure of 15 US military bases in Europe. The Pentagon says the move will save around half a billion dollars a year. The US has more than 60,000 troops station in Europe. Our defense correspondent Jonathan Marcus reports.

美国国防部长查克·哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)证实美国将关闭位于欧洲的15个军事基地。五角大楼表示,此举每年将为美国节约5亿美元。美国在欧洲的驻军超过6万人。我们的国防部通讯员Jonathan Marcus报道。

The overwhelming bulk of US military bases that have shut down were in Germany. The most important site is the airbase of Mildenhall in Britain and 2 US-run communication's bases in Cambridgeshire are also to close. Small facilities are involved in Belgium and the Netherlands as well. The closures are all part of a much broader review by the Americans of their bases in Europe as the US military seeks to reduce its footprint and to save money with the Pentagon looking more to alter to Asia-Pacific.



A Nigerian senator has said more than 10,000 people had fled to Chad following recent fighting in Borno state in the northeast of their country. Maina Maaji Lawan who represents the area said a humanitarian crisis was unfolding in Chad after raids by Boko Haram militants which killed many people. Local officials say much of the town of Baga and surrounding villages have been burned to the ground.

一名尼日利亚参议员表示,东北部博尔诺州发生了最近的冲突后,超过1万人逃往乍得。代表该地区的Maina Maaji Lawan表示,博科圣地激进分子发动袭击造成多人死亡之后,乍得一场人道主义危机正在展开。当地官员表示,Baga镇大部分地区和周围的村庄已被夷为平地。

A UN commission has accused Christian militias in the Central African Republic of ethnic cleasening. The commission also accused those militas and mainly Muslim Seleka movement of war crimes and crimes against humanity. He said it was probable that the numbers killed in almost 2 year in secterian violence were much higher than the reported figures of three to six thousand.


The third division, English football club Oldham Athletic has confirmed it will not be signed in player Ched Evans who was released from jail in October after serving half of a 5 years sentence for rape. Attempts by the player to resume his football career had met with widespread opposition. Dan Roen has the details.

英格兰奥尔德姆足球俱乐部证实不会签约10月份从监狱获释的契德·埃文斯(Ched Evans)。他曾因强奸罪被判五年监禁,现在刚刚服完一半的刑期。他想要继续足球生涯的努力遭遇了广泛的反对。Dan Roen报道详细内容。

Ched Evans is tonight facing a futuring football in *, his hopes of joining Oldham Athletic over. But 83 days after he left prison, today came a first show of contrition towards the victim he was jailed for raping. In a carefully word of statement, the 26 year old striker said I continue to maintain my innocence. I wish to make it clear that I how heartly apologise for the effects that night in Rio has had on many people not least the woman concerned. But that didn't prevent a deal with Oldham Athletic from collapsing amidst storm of ranker and opposition.

今晚,契德·埃文斯(Ched Evans)的梦想被粉碎,加入奥尔德姆足球俱乐部的希望破灭。但是离开监狱83天之后,今天是他因强奸罪获刑后首次发表关于受害人的言论。在措辞谨慎的声明中,这位26岁的前锋表示,无论如何我都会继续坚持我是无辜的。我要表明,我真心地为在里约的那天晚上的事情对许多人造成的影响道歉,不仅仅是受害的女性。但是在排名和反对的声音中,这并未阻止契德·埃文斯(Ched Evans)和奥尔德姆足球俱乐部之间的交易破裂。

The US assistance secretary of state Roberta Jacobson will lead a delegation travling to Havana late this month for the first high-level talks since Cuba and the US announced they will be restoring relations. The state department said the talks would focus on migration.

美国国务院助理国务卿贾可布森(Roberta Jacobson)将带领代表团于本月末前往哈瓦那,举行古巴和美国宣布重建关系后的首次高层会谈。国务院表示,会谈将集中在移民方面。
