《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第11期:收拾烂摊子(在线收听

 Okay, you know, first of all, I am not my mother. 好吧 首先 我不像我母亲

I don't judge people before I get a chance to know them. 在我深入了解一个人之前 我是不会随便作出评论的
so you invite dylan over to dinner tonight, 所以你去邀请Dylan参加今晚的聚会
and if he's as sweet and as kind as you say he is, 如果他真如你所说的那么好
then I have no problem considering letting you go to the concert 我就不会阻止你去演唱会
After i do a background check on uncle tobey. 当然 先要让我调查清楚Tobey叔叔的背景
Thank you, thank you,thank you, mom. 谢谢 谢谢妈妈
Okay,I'm gonna go call him. 好了 我去给他打电话
That's very revealing. 非常透彻啊
That's my parenting style. 这是我做家长的方式
No, I meant your blouse. 不是 我是说你的衬衫
mom. 妈妈
claire, wait.come -- Claire 等等
not making this easy. 这可不好办啊
claire, come on.stop, stop, stop. Claire 等等 停一下
just let her come to dinner, 让她参加聚会
Apologize to dad and gloria, 向爸爸和Gloria道歉
And she and chas can live happily ever after. 她和Chas就能快乐地在一起了
In canada. In canada. 在加拿大 在加拿大
Wait, why don't you make her fix this instead of you doing it, as usual?  等等 为什么这次是她自己主动来了 以前不都是你帮她处理烂摊子的吗
Whoa. what's that supposed to mean? 什么意思
Oh, you know, mom makes a mess,and there's mitchell to clean it up. 你知道的 每次妈妈搞得一团糟 Mitchell就会来收拾残局
Okay, that is so not true. 完全不是这样
If -- if anything, you're the one with the screwed-up relationship with mommy -- 如果真要算账 是你和妈咪关系搞得很僵
With -- with -- with mom.wow, "mommy"? 和...妈妈 妈咪
No, I didn't say it --damn it. 不 我没有说妈咪 该死的