《摩登家庭》第1季第5集 第4期:舅舅和外甥一样大(在线收听

 That's where he gets his fire. 他的激情就是从他爸那儿遗传来的

Okay, you're...He's our son. 好吧 那你们是... 他是我们的儿子
And my grandson. I'm his daughter 我外孙 我是她女儿
So, you're...His uncle. 那你是 他舅舅
Stop saying that, or i'll sit on your chest again! 闭嘴 小心我再骑在你胸口
Whoa. Wait a second. Is that what this was all about? 等等 你们吵架就是为了这个?
He keeps calling me his nephew. 他老说我是他外甥
You are my nephew!Shut up! 你本来就是我外甥嘛 闭嘴
Okay, okay. 好了 好了
I'm getting the sense that you're all related...somehow. 我明白了 你们多少都有点亲戚关系
So it's probably best if you work this out at home 我看最好家务事还是回家解决
So the boys can go back to class, okay? 让孩子们回去上课吧 好不好
But we're not happy about this, boys. 这事儿可不能就这么算了 你们俩
This is not how mature young men behave. 打架可不是成熟的小伙子干的事儿
Here's your note for miss passwater. 把这条子给Passwater小姐带去吧
Look, i wouldn't worry.They're good kids. 别担心 他们都是好孩子
It's just tough when one kid's a little different. 但其中一个比较特别所以问题就有点棘手了
Yes.Yes. 没错 没错
You heard how she said that, right? 你听到她怎么说了
She thought luke was the weird one. 她肯定觉得Luke才是怪胎
Luke.LukeHer kid gets his head stuck in the furniture, 她儿子一天到晚把脑袋卡在家具里
And manny is the different one. 她倒觉得我们Manny有问题?
I will tell you what's weird. Our son is not weird. 我告诉你什么叫怪胎  我们儿子才不是怪胎呢
What's weird is that her kid wears aftershave and dresses like a count. 她儿子才奇怪呢 竟然用须后香水穿得像个伯爵一样