《摩登家庭》第1季第5集 第12期:解铃人还需系铃人(在线收听

 Well, she's pissed.Yeah. 她很生气 很明显

She wouldn't even come out of her room. Aw. 她一直窝在自己的房间
Did you really have to call her that? 你真有必要称呼她
A gold digger. 淘金女吗
Well, you know what, dad? 你知道吗 爸爸
It was a year ago. 那是一年前的事情了
And it was a natural question to ask. 而且一般人都会有这种疑问
She's a beautiful, hot woman, 她很漂亮 身材又好
And you're not exactly... you know. 不过你就不是那么的...你懂我的意思吗
Not exactly what? 我不是那么的什么
Um...mitchell, a little help, hmm? Mitchell 这应该怎么说
No, you are doing great. 不用问我 你说的不是挺好吗
No, see, this is exactly why we sweep things under the rug. 所以我们要粉饰太平
So people don't get hurt. 这样就不会有人不高兴
Well, yeah, until you sweep too much under the rug. 是的 不过你粉饰太多的话
Then you got a lumpy rug. 到最后纸包不住火了
It creates a tripping hazard. 就变成了火山爆发
You open yourself up to lawsuits. 到最后麻烦缠身
Boy, you can go a really long time without blinking. 伙计 你定力真好 眼都不眨一下
Gloria? It's phil. Gloria 我是Phil
Hi. Can I talk to you for a second? 我可以和你谈谈吗
Claire likes to say, Claire总是说
You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. 解铃还须系铃人
Well, I happen to believe that you can be both. 我觉得局外人也可以解决问题