《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第5期:同性恋育儿(在线收听

 Who's the dancing queen, huh? 谁是舞后啊?

Put a little boogie in it. I don't have time. 摇一下 摆一下
See? Fun,right? 看见没 好玩吧?
Oh,my -- was that her head? 噢 偶滴...撞到头了吗?
No,I think if it was her head, she would be -- 不是吧 如果是撞到头 她应该会...
Yeah, that was her head. 好吧 是撞到头了
Okay,okay. 没事的 没事的
Mitchell: Yes,I know. 我知道的
I got boo-boo bear from the freezer. 我把冰箱里的瑜伽熊拿过来
Why do you have chocolate on your face? 为什么你脸上沾了巧克力?
It was under a pie. 它被压在一个派底下
So you ate your way to it? 所以你边吃 边把熊熊救出来的?
I made a judgment call. You weren't there! 你又不在那 我得见机行事
Do you think she's all right? 她没事吧?
She didn't cry that much. 她哭得也不是很厉害啦
M-maybe that's a bad sign. You know... 可能不是个好兆头啊
We should try and make her laugh. 我们该试着逗她笑
Why? 'cause that's how we'll know she's okay. 为什么?  这样我们才知道她没事啊
Where's,um... Where's doggy? 狗狗在哪里
Doggy,doggy. 狗狗 狗狗
Here,doggy. 狗狗在这儿
Okay,there you go. 好的
But it's a dog. 这是条狗耶
Yeah,I know. That's why it's funny. 我知道啊 这样才搞笑嘛
Moo! I don't think it's as funny as you think it is. 哞!  没你说的那么搞吧
Can we please just call your sister? No,no. 我们打电话给你姐吧  不行
Cam,cam,why,so she can be all judgmental and condescending, Cam Cam 你在给她机会 让她居高临下地批判我
Like she's the expert and I don't know how to take care of a baby? 就像她是个专家 而我是个育儿白痴