《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第14期:一飞冲天(在线收听

 If you tell them they have wings, 你要告诉他们有翅膀

They will believe they can fly. 他们就会相信自己能一灰冲天
Oh,really? 哦 是吗?
I had a buddy went to woodstock, 我有个兄弟去了伍德斯托克音乐节
Believed he could fly-- didn't end great. 他觉得自己能飞啊 但下场可不咋地
It's why hotel windows don't open anymore. 所以后来酒店的窗户通通不准开了
Is something wrong? Who's died? 怎么啦? 谁死啦?
No one,manny. 没人死 Manny
Why would you even think that? 为什么你会这样想啊?
In colombia,manny went to pablo escobar elementary school. 在哥伦比亚 Manny上埃斯科瓦尔小学 
If you were pulled out of class, 如果你上课时被抓出来
It was definitely to identify a body. 肯定是要去认尸了
Well,we got your poncho here. 我们把你的斗篷带来了
I thought you said it made me look like 你不是说 那样让我看起来
my neck was wearing a dress. 像是脖子上围了条裙子
That was a joke. 我开玩笑嘛
Oh,good it's still in the pocket. 太好了 它还在口袋里
What do you got there, buddy? 里面有什么啊 小伙计?
My pan flute. 我的排箫
I'm going to play some colombian folk music 我想要给我的新同学
for my new classmates. 表演哥伦比亚民俗音乐
Huh. Great. 真棒啊
I've never been more proud of you. 我真为你骄傲
I'm sure your friends are gonna love it. 我肯定你的朋友都会喜欢滴
Break the flute. What? 毁了那排箫  什么?
The poncho by itself is fine. 光穿斗篷 没关系
The poncho plus the flute plus the stupid dance -- 斗篷加上排箫 再加上那笨拙的排舞