《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第16期:重回监狱的第一天(在线收听

 Now... 现在

Who are amazing parents? 谁是超赞老爸?
We are. I can't hear you. 我们 我听不到哦
We are! 我们!
Don't you forget it. Okay. 别忘记说过的话哦  好啦
Did we just lock our baby in the car? 我们是把宝宝锁车里了吗?
Did you put the keys in the bag?! 你把钥匙放包包里了吗?
I put the keys in the bag.That's what we always -- 是啊 我们总是...
Oh,mitchell,I told you not to put the keys in the bag! Mitchell 我说过 别把钥匙放包包里!
Don't freak out. Come on,don't freak out! 别慌啊
Lily,it's okay! Lily 没事的哦!
What, are you singing to her? 你在对她唱歌?
People get arrested for this,mitchell!We have to keep her calm. 人们会因为这个被捕的 Mitchell!  要让她保持平静啊
Do all four doors lock?!Do you have a phone?! 4扇门都锁上了吗?  你电话在身上吗?
what? 你说什么?
I didn't say anything. 我什么也没说
I couldn't hear you. I'm cranking one of my mash-ups. 说了我也听不到 我在听混搭专辑
There they are. 回来啦
How was the first day back in prison? 重回监狱的第一天如何啊?
Fine. Yeah. 还不错  嗯
What are youuys doing? 你们在干什么?
Your mom and I are racing to the mailbox on sequoia and back. 你妈和我要赛跑到红杉那儿的信箱 然后跑回来
Why? 为什么?
I don't know. Oh,she knows. 我不知道  她当然知道
Hey,buddy,as soon as I'm done kicking a little mom butt here, 伙计 等我赢了你老妈
How about I school you in some mariokart? 训练下你的马里奥赛车如何?
Can't. Got to work on my journal. 不行 要补日记