《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第19期:世上最好的工作(在线收听

 We do strange things for the people we love. 为我们爱的人 我们做各种千奇百怪的事 

We lie to them. 我们对他们撒谎
We lie for them. 我们为他们撒谎
There may beome bumps along the way, 生活中都会有颠簸
But we never stop wanting the best for them. 但我们总会为他们争取最好
That's what makes it such a tough job... 这是世界上最难的工作了...
But kind of the best job in the world. 但同时 也是世上最好的工作
What are you doing?! Keep your eyes on the road! 你在干嘛?!看路啊!
Eyes on the road! Oh,my god! 看路啊!   老天爷!
oKay. 这下好了
All right,sweetie, this happens. 没事的宝贝 这事儿时常发生
Remain calm. That's the first thing. 不要慌 
Pull over right here. I'll get out the registration. 就停这吧 我拿证件
Mom,I don't like cops.Okay,pull over right there. 妈 我不喜欢警察  没事 就停在这里
I don't like cops. All right, there's a space right here. 我一点都不喜欢警察 没事 这儿有位置 停这
I can't pull over. No,I can't. 我不能停车 绝对不停 你得停车
You need to pull over. 不行 我不喜欢警察
I can't pull over. I don't like cops. 爸爸赞同你不停  你得停车 Phil!
I got priors. I'm speeding up. 我有先例  我在加速了
The parking ticket from the mall -- 刚才商场那要收停车费
I never paid the parking ticket! 我从来都不交!
Keep moving,sweetheart! 一直开吧 甜心!
Dad agrees with me-- I can speed up! 老爸同意了 我能加速了!
it's not a movie,haley! Pull over! 这不是在拍电影 Haley 给我停下来!