《摩登家庭》第1季第7集 第13期:为小时候的事情感到羞耻(在线收听

 Maybe I can pull the fire alarm. 或者我可以拉响火警钟

Expect no mercy. 不必手下留情
Bring it on,big boy. 来吧 大男孩
I-I'm glad dad's proud of manny. I am. 爸爸为Manny自豪我很高兴 真的
I just... 只是...
It would have been nice to see him that p oud of us. 如果他也为我们而自豪就更好了
And by "us," I mean "me." 说的是"我们" 其实指的是我
And you sincerely thought that the path to dad's approval Was going to te through figure skating? 你真以为花样滑冰能得到老爸的赞赏?
Mitchell,I am fairly confident that dad's proudest moment Mitchell 我确信老爸最自豪的时刻
Was when you finally took off the flame-red unitard. 就是你终于把那火红表演服脱下的时候
I am not claiming that any of this is rational. 我的想法确实不理智
I'm --I'm sorry. 对不起
I'm sorry for being such a pill,okay? 让人讨厌了
I... 其实我...
Actually always felt very guilty for quitting. 对退出一事也感到很内疚
Look,I know how much you loved figure skating. 我知道你有多爱花式滑冰
I...Never really loved skating. 我...不是真的喜欢滑冰啦
Uh,what? 呃 什么?
um,all right. 好吧
This is gonna sound a little gay. 听起来有点娘
But,um,when -- when you and I skated together, 不过...当我和你一起滑冰的时候
You know,you weren't the mean older sister 你不再是坏姐姐
And I wasn't the -- the clingy little brother. 我也不再是粘人的小弟弟