英语听力精选进阶版 10663(在线收听

The masked knife-wielding man known as Jihadi John who appeared in Islamic State beheading videos has been identified. It's been disclosed that his name is Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British citizen. Danny Shaw reports.

伊斯兰国对人质执行斩首的头带面具的刽子手“圣战约翰”的身份得到确认。据披露他的名字是默罕默德·埃姆瓦兹(Mohammed Emwazi),是科威特出生的英国公民。Danny Shaw报道。

For the past six months, the identity of Jihadi John has been the source of rumour and speculation. Only now has his name emerged publicly. He is Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born man, raised and educated in London. Dressed in a black robe, his face almost entirely covered by a balaclava, Emwazi appears in at least 7 Islamic State videos in which hostages including the British aid workers Alan Henning and David Haines were beheaded. Mohammed Emwazi is believed to have traveled to Syria in 2013, several years after coming to the attention of the British Security Agencies.

过去六个月,“圣战约翰”的身份引发诸多谣言和猜测。而现在,他的身份才开始浮现在公众视野中。他就是默罕默德·埃姆瓦兹(Mohammed Emwazi),科威特出生,在伦敦长大和接受教育的男子。他身穿黑色长袍,面部几乎全被巴拉克拉法帽遮盖,埃姆瓦兹出现在至少7段伊斯兰国视频中,包括英国救援工作人员亨宁(Alan Henning)和海恩斯(David Haines)在内的人质被斩首。据信默罕默德·埃姆瓦兹(Mohammed Emwazi)曾在2013年前往叙利亚,几年前,他曾经引起英国安全部门的注意。

US Intelligence Agencies have placed cyber attacks at the top of their lists of threats to United States, posing a greater risk than terrorism. In its annual assessment of worldwide threats the office of the director of national intelligence said that catastrophic distruction of infrastructure was unlikely, but it said that cyber attacks by foreign governments [profit] by the criminals and ideologically motivated hackers would increasingly undermine US economic competitiveness and national security. It listed Russia, China, Iran and North Korea as the main sources of such threats.


A judge in Argentina has dismissed claims that President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and her Foreign Minister covered up alleged involvement by Iran in the deadly bombing of a jewish centre in Buenos Aires 20 years ago. Leonardo Rocha reports.

阿根廷一位法官驳回了总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·基什内尔(Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner)和外交部长隐瞒伊朗参与20年前布宜诺斯艾利斯一个犹太中心致命爆炸事件的指控。Leonardo Rocha报道。

Judge Daniel Rafecas said he was throwing out the case because no crime had occurred. And the evidence against the President and her Foreign Minister was weak. The accusation came from special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was found dead last month in his flat, hours before he was due to testify in congress against Ms. Fernandez and Mr. Timerman. It's not clear whether he was murdered or killed himself. President Fernandez has always rejected the allegations. She said Mr. Nisman had been fed misleading information by a rogue intelligence Agent, as part of a plot to discredit her government.

法官Daniel Rafecas表示,他已经否决了该案件,因为没有任何犯罪事件发生。指向总统和外交部长的证据非常薄弱。该指控来自特别检察官阿尔伯托·尼斯曼(Alberto Nisman)。上月,在国会作证指控费尔南德斯和齐默尔曼之前几个小时,他在公寓中死亡。目前还不清楚他是被谋杀还是自杀。费尔南德斯总统一直否认这些控罪。她说,尼斯曼受到游手好闲的情报机构误导性信息的干扰。他们阴谋抹黑政府。

The Ukrainian army and pro-Russian rebels say they are withdrawing heavy artillery from the frontlines in eastern Ukraine in line with the ceasefire signed earlier this month. Reports from the region say fighting has largely subsided. The Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said he was hopeful the ceasefire would last, and urged Moscow to play a positive role.

乌克兰军队和亲俄叛军表示,为了遵循本月初签署的停火协议,他们从乌克兰东部前线撤离了重型炮火。来自该地区的报道称,冲突大体上已经平息。北约秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)表示,他认为停火协议持续大有希望,并督促莫斯科发挥积极的作用。

It is important that all parties fully respect the ceasefire and withdraw heavy weapons. Russia has transferred in recent months over one thousand pieces of equipments, tanks artillery, advance defence systems. And they have to withdraw these equipments and they have to stop supporting the separatists.

US regulators have imposed tough new rules on Internet service providers in an attempt to ensure equal treatment for all customers. The Federal Communication Commission voted to ban a two-tier service where a company could pay a fee to ensure that its products were delivered faster. Critics including senior Republicans complain it will drive up consumer costs and discourage industry investment.


A Saudi man has been convicted in New York in connection with the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania 17 years ago. More than 200 people died in the attacks. Khalid al-Fawwaz was found guilty of 4 charges of conspiracy. Prosecutors described him as an early leader of Al-Qaeda.


There's been a series of apparently coodinated bomb attacks in Nigeria by suspected militants. At least 17 people died in an attack carried out by 2 bombers at the bus terminal, in the northeastern town of Biu in Borno State. Fifteen people also died in an attack in the central city of Jos. Richard Hamilton reports.

激进分子嫌疑人在尼日利亚发动了明显有组织的一系列爆炸袭击。两名爆炸者在博尔诺州东北部城镇比乌一个巴士终点站实施的袭击造成至少17人死亡。15人在中部城市乔斯的袭击中遇难。Richard Hamilton报道。

When a second bomber tried to detonate his explosives in the same bus station in Biu, he was stopped by a crowd who beat him to death. In Jos, 3 bombs were thrown from a car, also killing people near bus stations as well as the university. For Nigerians there's a ghastly sense of deja vu. On Tuesday, coodinated suicide bombings struck Kano and Potiskum. President Goodluck Jonathan again insisted the military was winning the war against Boko Haram, but he said that before, and now it's difficult to know who to believe.


The President of Yemen Abdu Rabbih Mansour Hady who fled to the southern city of Aden on Saturday has had his first meeting there with the United Nations envoy Jamal Ben Omar. Mr. Hady has called for his government to reassemble in Aden in the wake of last month's seizure of the Capital Sana'a by Shiite Houthi rebels. Saudi Arabia has announced that its ambassador to Yemen without operate out of Aden, but Houthis promptly accuse Riyadh of trying to split Yemen along sectarian lines.

周六逃往南部城市亚丁的也门总统阿卜杜·拉布·曼苏尔·哈迪(Abdu Rabbih Mansour Hady)在那里与联合国特使Jamal Ben Omar进行了首次会晤。上月什叶派胡塞叛军占领首都萨那之后,他呼吁在亚丁重新组织政府。沙特阿拉伯已经宣布驻也门大使在亚丁以外停止工作。但是胡塞指控利雅得试图按照宗派将也门分裂。
