英语听力精选进阶版 10689(在线收听

The leaders of Greece and Germany have been stressing the need to work together,following talks in Berlin on how to do with the Greek debt crisis.The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras said it was more important for Athens and Berlin to talk to each other than about each other.The German chancellor Angela Merkel said structural reforms in recent were necessary, but both countries wanted to live and work together.Here is Janie Hill.


“Both leaders were keen to emphasize the importance of eurozone membership, and both were keen to emphasize the bridge-building exercise that today has really been all about, and in the last a few weeks there has been violent disagreement between Germany and Greece that each side accusing one another of all sorts of things.It has been the tremendously stressful time for the bilateral relationship and that really was the purpose of today’s meeting:to triumph,start again if you like to set a new tone.”

“两位领导人都热心于强调欧元区领导的重要性,都强调建立桥梁的重要性,这也是今天一直讨论的话题,过去几周德国和希腊之间产生激烈的分歧,双方相互指责各种事情。这对于双边关系来说是非常紧张的时候,这也是今天会议需要的目的: 取得胜利,如果想设立新的基调,就重新开始吧。”

The British prime minister David Cameron has reviewed that he won’t seek a further term in office if he is return to power in a general election in May.Mr Cameron said he thought three terms might be too much ,and fresh leadership would be good. Speaking to our deputy political editor James Landale, he even speculated about his possible successors.


"There definitely comes a time when fresh, you know, a fresh pair of eyes and fresh leadership would be good, and the Conservative party has got some great people coming up, the Theresa Mays, and the George Osbornes, and the Boris Johnsons. You know,there is plenty of talent,I am surrounded by those people."


"You know, for 5 years being the 3rd term."


"The third term is not something I am contemplating. Terms like treatably two are wonderful,three might just be too many.”


Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has apologized to his country’s Arab citizens for a statement which his opponent subscribed as racist. On the election day last week, he tried to rally his supporters by warning them that the Arab's world in his words “going to the polls in droves” to vote against him. Alan Johnston reports.


"As Israelis cast their ballots, Benjamin Netanyahu was worried, he was desperate to get out his vote that he tried to rally his Jewish supporters ,he warned them that the nation’s arabs were in his words "going to the polls in droves"to vote against him. But Mr. Netanyahu has now accepted that the arab community was offended by what he said but he insisted that he did not mean this to happen and then he regretted it."


US coalition aircrafts have began flying reconnaissance missions over the Iraqi city of Tikrit, which is held by IS militants, the BBC understands that the reconnaissance flights over Tikrit were requested by the Iraq government last week. The city which was the birthplace of Saddam Hussein is now surrounded.


The Spanish high court has ruled that 6 officials from the country’s governing people's party including two former treasurers should face trial over allegations that the party has running an illegal fund.The court has found that the party spent 1.6 million euros over undeclared funds on building work at its Madrid headquarters.


The Kenya government is announcing an ambitious plan to add walls along parts of its border with Somalia.The minister for internal security Joseph Nkaissery said the barriers will prevent attackes by the Somalia militant group Al- Shabab.


“We will start with a wall separating Mandera town in Kenya and Bula HaWajir in Somalia. One can not even tell which of the towns is in Kenya or Somalia,that is why we wanted to built a wall and an entry point, so that when people want to cross to Somalia and do business or when they want to cross to Kenya, there is a designated entry point and not open as it is now. “

“我们将建造一面墙将肯尼亚的曼德拉市和索马里的Bula HaWajir分隔开,人们无法分辨出哪些城镇是肯尼亚的,哪些是索马里的,这也是我们想建造一面墙和一个入境站的原因,这样当人们想进入索马里做生意,或索马里人想进入肯尼亚时,就会有个指定的入境站,而不是像现在这样大开着国界。”

The republican senator for Texas Ted Cruz is becoming the first high-profile candidate to announce his bid to stand in next year's US presidential election. Mr.Cruz set out his plan in a speech in Virginia.


“I believe in the power of millions of courageous conservatives rising up to reignite the promise of America. And that is why today I am announcing that I am running for president of the US.”


At least 34 people have been killed in a crash involving 3 buses and a truck on Peru’s main coastal highway. 70 others have been injured. Police say the crash happen when a bus swirled into the oncoming traffic. The accident took place near the town of Walmet, around 300 km. north of the capital Lima.

