《摩登家庭》第1季第9集 第18期:缠人的姑娘(在线收听

 But, one way or another, 但是  不管怎么样

Luke was the center of attention on his birthday, 卢克在他生日这天是众人关心的焦点
and the whole family was together... 而且全家人都聚在一起
just the way it should be. 那正是家庭生日会该有的样子
Fizbo delivery! I brought the cake! 菲茨宝快递  我带蛋糕来啦
Bravo! 好耶
I can't do this. 我心理承受不住
Oh, God. I'm out. 天啊  我得出去
Cake. 蛋糕
Blow the candles. Blow the candles. 快吹蜡烛  快吹蜡烛
Bianca Douglas called me three times tonight. 比安卡·道格拉斯今晚给我打了3个电话
I'm not gonna lie to you. 我不打算说假话骗你们
I'm starting to feel smothered. 我感觉快被那姑娘缠死了
I really like my cast, but it's starting to itch. 我真的很喜欢我的石膏  但里面开始痒了
Good thing my mom made me this personal scratcher. 幸好有我妈特制的挠痒神器
Oh, that's good stuff. 好东西用了才知道
If another woman is messing with your man, 如果有别的女人想勾搭你的男人
you have to get proactive. 你一定要先发制人
I don't care how pretty she is 我不管她有多漂亮
or how many stupid reptiles she has. 或者她有多少只恶心的爬虫